The Signs as Stupid Yahoo Questions

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Aries: "Where do whales live?"

Taurus: "If evolution is true, then why don't pigs have wings?"

Gemini: "What does it mean if someone says 'meow' to you?"

Cancer: "Is there a spell to turn back into a human that actually works?"

Leo: "How do I ask a question on Yahoo! Answers?"

Virgo: "What does fall 2010 mean?"

Libra: "Do midgets have night vision?"

Scorpio: "How do I take care of my pet potato?"

Sagittarius: "I was bitten by a turtle when I was a young lad, should I still drink orange juice?"

Capricorn: "Is there any possible way of making 2 + 2 = 5?"

Aquarius: "Should America make China the 51st state so we can get better access to Chinese food?"

Pisces: "Just ate 52 pizza rolls, will I die in my sleep?"

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