6. Scholarship Crazyness

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Picture of:Hunter

Today was the day my dad is coming home.I couldn't wait.I just wanted to get over school so i could go home and greet him.
"I can't wait for tomorrows football game" said Kristen as we were walking in the hallway
"Omg,me neither,i really hope we win.If so,the best 3 players of the team will get a scholarship" said Casey
"Oh,i heard a rumor that the school is gonna have this like thing where some people from a couple universities come here to offer a scholarship" said Kristen
"No way,that's amazing" said Casey
"Yeah but it's gonna be hard to get a scholarship tho"
"True" pouted Casey
"You think that's why the principle called a gathering in the gym?" i asked as we stepped into the gym,sitting down somewhere
"It's possible" said Kristen
"Ok,kids,settle down,i have a really important announcement.As you may have heard already,the school is gonna have the privilage to host some really important people from 3 different universities" Mrs.Dollie started
"There's gonna be an exam and an interview here in the gym with 3 people from each university.The universities are The University of California,Los Angeles,The University if Arizona and The University of Texas at Austin" she said and everybody started to clap
Wow that's serious business.
As she told us some more stuff about this whole thing i became more excited.
"But what do universities look for in students?" asked Jess as we were at the library
"Usually they look for students with enthusiasm,remarkable grades.Also,personal statements and essays can reveal your personality,SAT scores,extracurricular activities,unique personalities,things like that" answered the librarian
"Wow,that's a lot" said Kristen
"You could ask teachers to write a recommendation letter" i said
"True...but the principle said it's not necessary to go for the scholarship if you feel like you're not good enough to pass the exam"
"It takes too long tho,we're gonna have to take an SAT test before winter break,a Scholarship exam in the spring and have an interview with them fancy uni teachers" said Jess
"They make it this long of a process to give you time for extra stuff" i explained
"Makes sense" said Casey
"What is an SAT all about tho?" asked Kristen
"There's a essay part,math,critical reading i think" said Jess
"What's the highest score you can get?" i asked the librarian
"2400" she said
"Wow,crazy" laughed Kristen
I really want to get a scholarship.It would be so much wasier with one.I want to be known for being a remarkable person.

The bell rang and i headed to my class.I need to step up my game and grab a SAT study guide and study.After school i got on the bus and waited to arrive home.
I didn't see Wes once today.I wonder if he even went to school today.
As i opened the front door i saw suitcases near the wall and voices from the kitchen.I ran as fast as i could,dropping my backpack in the process.
"Daddy!" i yelled as i wrapped my arms around my dad's torso
"Oh my god,Bianca! I missed you so much!"
I felt tears of joy in my eyes.We spent the whole afternoon talking.He told us about all the places he was at and showed me all the stuff he got me.He's a typical dad so he got me t-shirts and fridge magnets.
"Did anything interesting happen at school today?" asked dad as we were sitting at the dinner table
"There's something important,actually" i responded
"So,3 universities are offering 2 scholarships for anyone from the entire school.We have to take an SAT before winter break,in the spring we have an exam and an interview then they're gonna sent a letter to the ones that got the scholarship" i explained
"Oh my god,this is very exciting news" said mom as she put the dessert on the table
"I agree,but you have to work very hard to get a scholarship" said dad
"I know" i sighed
"What universities are offering those scholarships?" asked mom

"UCLA,Austin,Texas and Uni of Arizona" i said
"Nice,those i really good universities" smile mom
"Which one do you hope you get in?" she asked again
"UCLA...so i can go back home" i said
"Why not University of Arizona?" asked dad
"I don't know...that would be incredible too,but...i feel like LA is more important to me"
"Well,we'll see how it goes"
The next day at school Wes was still nowhere.I talked with this math teacher,Mr.Simmons who was glad to help me prepare for my SAT.I'm so determined to get this scholarship.I talked with Mrs.Dollie and she gave me some papers to fill and stuff.
The football match is today at 6.I promised the girls i'll go.I'm kinda interested to see it too.After arriving home from school,i searched up an SAT study guide book online and ordered it.
"Get in loser,we're late" yelled Jess as i hurried out of the house.
I got in the back with Kristen.The radio was blasting 'Pretty Girls' by Iggy and Britney.
"All around the world,pretty girl" sang Jess causing us all to laugh
As we got back to school,the field was filled with people.The cheerleaders were practicing and the mascot was goofing around.Brandon and Hunter,the quarterback,greeted us there.
"Hi,i'm Hunter" he said to me with a smile

"Hey,Bianca,nice to meet you" i smiled back at him
He looked so handsome.
"So,big game coming up in a couple minutes,Hunter how do you feel?" asked Jess
"I'm really nervous,we just went over the strategy of the game in the locker room" he explained
"Hey,where can i get a water from?" i asked,looking around
"We have a vending machine on the hall to the locker room,i'll show you there" offered Chris
"Thanks,guys hold a seat for me too,please" i said to my friends as i walked with Chris
"I can't wait for the match" i said to him
"My legs are like jelly" he said and i laughed
"Don't worry,i'm sure you'll do amazing,i heard good stuff about you" i smiled
"Yeah,i have to do good,i want a scholarship" he said
"Oh,the scholarship,everyone wants it"
"Do you want it?" he asked
"Of course i do" i said,stepping in front of the machine to get my water
"You're a sophomore,right?" he asked
"Yeah,and you're a senior" i stated
"Yeah,can't belie i'm almost finished with high school" he said as we started to walk back
He was actually so nice and so funny.
"So,did you and Hunter kiss?" asked Casey

"What are you talking about?" i asked,turning red
"Oh c'mon the whole 'i need a water' bullshit,you walking away with him" she giggled
"You're crazy" i laughed as i watched the team go out
As time passed,the game was more and more tense.Everybody cheered for their favorite team but at the end,our team won.The team clashed into a group hug as the cheerleaders,the coach and people from the crown ran onto the field too.
"C'mon!" yelled Jess as she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the field.
Hunter looked at me and the next second he started running towards me,throwing away his helmet and wrapping his arms around me,lifting me up and spinning me around.
"You did it!" i yelled as i laughed
"I can't believe we did it!" he yelled too
I hugged him back,with a big smile on my face.
"You were amazing" i said as he put me down

"Thanks" he said,blushing a little
"Hunter! Come here!" yelled the coach
"Sorry,i gotta go"he said,letting go of my hand that he was holding
"Don't worry,just go" i smiled
Suddenly i felt a hand grab my arm and turn me around,dragging me away.
Thank you for reading,vote,comment and share my story. xx

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