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Hunter here posting this cause Connie's computer wasn't allowing her to.

Anyways, enjoy this!

Hunter & Connie


Life was going by quickly for the three boys. Liam's pregnancy was going excellently without a single problem so far. Louis and Harry were getting more excited every day and they just couldn't wait to welcome their two little ones to the family. Harry absolutely adored Liam's baby bump and was constantly touching it and kissing the skin softly. Louis wasn't as touchy as Harry, but he loved the bump just as much. Liam didn't mind the constant attention, it just meant that his babies were going to be loved very much. It was early November when Liam found himself sitting at home by himself. Louis and Harry had to run to the studio for a few hours, they had asked the omega if he wanted to go but he didn't feel like leaving the house. The omega was sitting on the couch with Blue in his lap and Maia at his feet, they were all watching Batman while Liam patted at his stomach softly.

"You babies should move, you haven't moved yet," Liam says quietly, frowning a little before turning his attention back to the movie. Liam let out a dramatic sigh when the film finished, he was rather bored but he didn't feel like putting on another movie. He figured Louis and Harry would've been back by now... but they hadn't even called to check in with him. The omega wasn't worried though, they were probably very busy and didn't have time to call yet. With another sigh, Liam hoisted himself off the couch, sending Blue scurrying off his lap. Liam practically waddled to the bathroom, grimacing a little when a small sharp pain shot across his midsection. He thought nothing of it though, passing it off as just muscle cramps.

He got into the bathroom and the pain was becoming a bit more unwelcoming, and it wasn't until he felt something drip down his leg. He gripped the sink as the pain felt like someone was ripping out from inside of him, "Fuck," he whimpered out and he looked to the floor and he literally almost passed out as he saw a few small drops of blood on the white tile.

It was like someone was looking out for him because just at that moment his alphas entered the house, yelling for Liam. He was in too much pain to even talk, he just whimpered, he knew that his alpha's would be able to hear him. And just like that he was being picked up by Harry, "Shit, Lou! We need to get him to the emergency, now!"

"I'm calling the ambulance, it's twenty minutes to the hospital and it's rush hour. They'll get here quick enough."

Harry nodded and he helped Liam into a pair of shoes and a hoodie, seeing as it got a bit colder since they left this morning. Liam was crying softly into Harry's chest, "My babies, don't let me lose my babies! Alpha!"

"Liam, baby, you need to calm down. You freaking out isn't good for you, it's putting more stress onto the babies. Just breathe, take deep breaths, with me." Harry took a deep breath in through his mouth, and out through his nose, Liam following in suit. Harry brought Liam down stairs, as Louis grabbed a few random necessities for them, and not a second later the paramedics barged into the house.

Harry placed Liam on the stretcher and the three of them were transported to the hospital by ambulance. The paramedics practically rushed Liam inside and the two alphas had a little trouble trying to keep up. They weren't allowed to go past a certain point though, much to Liam's and their dismay. For the next hour Harry and Louis both sat in the waiting room with heavy hearts. They hadn't heard any news for Liam or for their two babies and it was driving the two alphas insane.

"Louis... What if we lose the babies?" Harry asks after a while, biting down on his bottom lip as he asks the one question on both of their minds. Louis took in a shaky breath as he ran a hand through his already disheveled hair, "I don't know Harry... It's going to absolutely gut us... but Liam... It's gonna kill Liam. You saw how scared he was when we found out... He'll blame himself... He'll think we won't want him anymore," Louis whispers, putting his head in his hands.

The Rejects- Lilourry Alpha/Omega AUWhere stories live. Discover now