*stacy's pov*
"What?! Really?! That was you?! I don't believe it??!" He said jumping up
"Yup. It was me. By the way you suck at call of duty"
"I don't suck"
"Yeah you do aşswipe"
"I like you" I said
"Really? I thought you hated me"
"Yeah...I kind of do..."
"Well....I like you too"
"Do you really think im that much of a jerk??" I ask
"Well...I mean..you were bulling that girl..."
"I know. .I feel horrible about that"
"Then why did you do it?"
"Because I have to"
"No you dont" he said
"Tell me...who is stacy Stewart really?"
"Um...I am a big nerd who is afraid to be herself so..I act like a mean girl"
"Really?! You a nerd! I will only believe it when I see it" he said laughing
"Fine..I'll show you"
I got up from my bed and walked to my closet I found the outfit I was wearing earlier.
I walked to the bathroom and closed the door.
I took off my make up and took off my contacts and put on my glasses.
I put my hair in a bun and changed into my outfit from earlier with the caption American shirt, leggings and unicorn socks.
I slowly opened the door
"Damn what a change" he said
"Yeah....if you tell anyone I will find you and I will kill you"
"Haha that's from taken" he said with laughter
"I know. But im serious..please dont tell anyone"
"I dont know why you are being wierd you look gorgeous"
"Thanks" I said shyly
"Lets watch a movie"
"Nah..lets play call of duty"
He laughs and I turn in my play station and put on call of duty.
"Where are you?" I ask with my eyes focused on the tv
"Im not telling I don't want you to kill me you already have 30 kills on me"
"Haha what can I say...I have skill"
"You sure do. Nerd"
"Shut up"
He laughs
Haha I have found you with in click of a button I will have 31 kills. Score.
"Sneak attack!!!!!" I shout as I get my 31st kill
"What?? That wasnt so sneaky"
"I know its from avatar"
"Wow. You really are a huge nerd" he says with a laugh
"What can I say"
"Re match?"
"You're on!"

The badaşs....more like mean girl
RomanceStacy was an innocent sweet and kind girl but after being heart broken she's becomes a total..well...bįtch. "um..can I help you" I ask "nope. just looking" she says with a smile "do you want to play?" "no thanks aşswipe" she says in a playful way "...