Emojis are a great way to annoy people. You can spam people with emojis or just end every single message or sentence with the same emoji. My favorite one to use is the devil emoji (the picture at the top of the page and the one I used on the cover). One a scale from 1 to 10, this is about a 7 or an 8.
How Emojis are Annoying: You can easily annoy people with emojis. The best way is to pick one specific emoji. This works best if you know of a specific emoji that your friend hates.
Examples: If you pick a carrot emoji, you can pretend to be Speaker of the Vegetables and send thousands of carrot emojis and yell at your friend about eating vegetables. Bonus points if they're vegetarian.
You could pick the sleeping emoji and anytime your friend says anything send the sleeping emoji and claim to be asleep. This works better at night. If you claim to be sleeping during the day, then make sure to say you're taking a nap. If it just so happens to be winter you can use the sleeping emoji all season and claim to be hibernating. Bonus points if you manage to do this all winter.
You can pick the ghost emoji and always reply with "Boo" with the ghost emoji on the end. This works the best around Halloween. You can claim to be possessed by a spirit if you'd like. Bonus points if you dress up like a ghost for halloween.
Real Life Example: I figured out that this annoyed people on accident. I sent my friend, LyraFox420, the devil face emoji. It didn't bother her until the third time a sent it, which is when she told me to stop. I could have stopped then. I probably should of stopped then. But I didn't. I decided to continue it.
I started spamming her with the devil emoji. For eight whole minutes I was repeatedly sending as many devil emojis as I could. All I got in response was dots. Just dots for eight minutes.
After the eight minutes of dots, she yelled at me (in all caps) and then left. She came back half an hour later and asked me if I was still online. My response was "yes" with a devil emoji at the end. She almost left immediately, but I convinced her to stay online.
Later I claimed to be possessed and used at least thirty devil emojis. She is really annoyed by it too.
Can't wait to see her at school tomorrow for the first time since I started using the devil emojis!
Annoying 101
RandomThis is just a bunch of random ways to annoy people. I'll probably update it pretty often, at least once a week usually after 4:00pm.