Cadence's POV
'Murder is such an energizing activity' I mused, jumping through my window. I land with an almost inaudible 'thud' in my room. Smiling, I go to my laptop on my desk and open it up, pressing the power button before plopping down into my seat with a smile. Mere seconds after it powers up the slightly wrinkled face of a woman appears on the screen. Her eyes widen slightly at me and I smile, they never get accustomed to the red contacts.
"Agent M," she acknowledges me.
"The target?"
"And his family?"
"The same"
"Very well, good job"
"I know"
"Your reward will be there by tomorrow"
"Good" and then I press 'X' that makes her fade and my desktop background of black roses and gold rain pop up.
Afterward, I get up, going to my bathroom to take a very quick shower and change into my night clothes. I remove my red contacts and brush my hair hurriedly while smiling at my reflection. Stepping out of the bathroom, I go back to my laptop and open my account, smiling when I realize that she already transferred the million dollars into my account to join the other half a million that was given before I did the job. I power down my laptop before going over to the little white box built into my wall beside my bed. I press the gold button before speaking, "Goodnight everyone, love you" I whisper, knowing that every room in the house heard the message. After hearing a reply from both my parents and my brother, I crawl into bed and clap twice to turn off the lights.
The man and his family I killed earlier made a foolish mistake. He betrayed someone and started feeding information to some gang after they threatened to kill his family. He should have known better than to think they wouldn't find out. The gang would've killed him and his family when he ran out of information, he should be grateful his family didn't feel much pain. I did it fast and as painless as death can be. His crying makes no sense; he was a dead man anyway.
I turn to lie on my side and smile softly as I drift off to sleep.
I wake up when my body alarm rings: 06:00. I go through my routine quickly: showering, brushing my teeth, brushing my golden blonde hair, plaiting it into two and pinning them up, putting on my messy, black wig over it, putting in my murky brown contacts over my forest green eyes and getting dressed in loose black clothing that hide my figure and make me look smaller. It's not enough to cover the fact that I'm a 5 ft. 11' teenage girl, but I do look smaller and inferior. I grin at my reflection as I grab my plain black backpack and head downstairs. In my backpack I have my books, of course, a pair of red contacts, a small black mask and some daggers in case I have to go do something real quick after school. No one ever checks my bag and they're in hidden compartments anyway.
I don't have to hide my identity at all but it's funny to me that people barely give a second thought about the deadly assassin walking through the same hallways as them. Well they don't exactly know that, but that's what makes it funny to me.
When I reach downstairs my brother places a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and turkey bacon in front of me. I hate pork, it disgusts me to the point where I'm sure I wouldn't eat it even if I weren't allergic. They disgust me for some reason. He laughs at my appearance as he sits across from me with his toast bread and scrambled eggs. I smile at him in thanks before digging in. He's already dressed in his dress shirt, tie and slacks. He works as an accountant; it's his cover as well as his actual job. My parents work for the government as FBI agents who started out as assassins - like me. You could say I inherited that gene, it that is at all possible. I don't usually see them in the mornings but I can't complain because some tasks take me out the country for weeks.
"Did he cry?" He pipes up as he starts to sip at his coffee.
"More like blubbered like a baby" I respond finishing up my food. I get up to get a glass of orange juice as he starts laughing again. I doubt anything brings him amusement like when I make a grown man cry, well, other than me dressing and acting inferior to people I could kill in seconds.
"Man, I'd kill to see that"
"The killing comes after they cry Ry" I tease before chugging the rest of my juice and going over to him.
"Really?" He gasps in mock astonishment. I kiss his cheek and ruffle his hair before going into the living room. He walks behind me with his coffee grumbling about me ruining his 'perfect hair'. I laugh as I lace up my combat boots, for a twenty seven year old he sure is childish.
"Do you have everything?" he asks as I stand once more.
"Yep," I walk to the door, then turn to face him, "be good Ryan Jamie Anderson and don't get any blood on that shirt." he glances down at the blue button up I got him two weeks ago and smiles. My brother can clear out packed buildings in minutes without injury, but for some reason he always ended up with at least a small spot of blood on his clothes, mainly his shirts. He'd done a job two weeks ago without any blood touching him as far as I could see and I went out and got him a shirt.
"I won't, bye Lia, love you" I grinned in response.
"Love you, too" and then I got out and went to the garage to get one of my three cars and drive to school, which was 45 minutes away if there was no traffic and I went the speed limit.
The first car was what my parents bought when I got my license officially, the second I bought for when we go out and because it's super-fast and I wanted it (it's the 2015 Huracán LP610-4 which can go up to 202 mph. I doubt I'll ever need to go that fast, but still, wow) and the last one, which is the one I'm driving to school was given to me by some multi-billionaire I worked for twice, he still paid me but gave me this to aid in the joke of me pretending to be some creepy teenage girl. He found humour in it too, and is actually my friend now and calls me every now and then to check up on me.
It was sweet of him to get me a car, but I don't think he understands blending in very well since he got me a luxury car. A 2015 Lexus CT 200h Premium to be exact with 17" aluminium wheels, a 1.8L I-4 98hp engine, 2-speed CVT transmission with overdrive, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes, automatic AC, cruise control, ABS and driveline traction control, electronic stability , a shitload of airbags and sensors for them all. Despite all that the outside looks similar to what most people at my school drive even though mine is no doubt more special and would be gawked at if attention was placed on it but I park in a far corner of the lot at school and people usually turn away when they see who steps out of this bad boy. It doesn't make me inferior but Benson is amazing. That's what I named him by the way, sometimes, just Benny.
I cut the engine when I pull into my normal spot and with it I stopped Little Mix from singing about their Black Magic. I sighed slightly and adjusted my strap so it was more comfortably under my breasts. Into the strap at the back two of my loaded guns were into holsters, safety locks on them both, for now. Getting out of the car I grab my backpack and phone from where I threw them into the passenger seat before slamming the door closed, but not hard enough to hurt my baby.
I patted my right thigh before I began to walk into school to make sure the strap around it holding 5 of my daggers wasn't going to cause discomfort during the day. I also like to know I have all my stuff with me. I hold my head down as I walk into school, pretending to flinch at the laughter that followed me as I walked past a group of girls. I scuff my shoes on the floor, head still bent downwards as I moved to my locker.
I opened it with one hand, my phone clutched tightly in the other. When I opened it I got my books and shut it before moving to go to class, early as usual.
"Creepy Cady" a jock jeered as I walked past as his friends laughed. I looked up at them with a scared and shocked look on my face.
"M-m-my n-name i-is c-c-c-Cadence" I stuttered out, hesitant and frightened sounding. When they laughed louder I put a blush on my face and squeezed my eyes shut momentarily.
"O-o-ok u-u-ugly" the same jock as before replied, boosted by his friends and his laughed. I blushed harder and walked towards class with tears streaming down my face.
I sit in the second row in the middle column and put my books heavily on my desk before wiping my tears with a sniffle as a girl came in and sat at the front in the left corner. I wipe my face properly with antibacterial wipes I keep in my bag and sigh in a heart wrenching way before looking down at my desk while waiting for the teacher to arrive. Damn, those acting classes really paid off, the drama ones too.
I leave the lunch line and head to the back of the cafeteria away from everyone else since we are told to eat there alone. I see a boy from the group earlier put out his foot to trip me and pretend not to see it. As I trip my food goes flying and I land on the ground with a fake shout of pain. I didn't actually make myself hit the ground painfully, in the same way I made sure the food didn't land on me so I had to change or go to the nurse or something. The principal may be aware that I'm important to the government (since they sent a letter to him to disregard any out of the ordinary thing I may have with me. Not very discreet if you ask me) but he doesn't know exactly who I am and neither does that nurse or any of the nurses here for that matter.
"Hey" a girl shouts as some of my salad lands on her and I get up slowly, like I'm in pain and apologize.
"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry" I say moving towards her to help her remove the lettuce. I don't know what we're going to do about the dressing though since I don't know if it can my removed from her pretty, pink, silk blouse.
"Stay away from me you freak!" she shouts as she storms from the room with one of her friends. I summon the tears and cup my face as I rush from the cafeteria to go sit in one of the corners of the library. The boys laugh. Ha jokes on them since they don't know that the girl they just tripped could kill them in the same about of time it takes them to take a breath: seconds.
The librarian looks at me sympathetically as I move past her tears streaming down my face. When I get to my section of the library, well, the section no one ever goes, my tears stop and I take another wipe to clean up my face. I grab a yogurt and spoon from my backpack and begin eating it. I have a small battery operated refrigerator in my bag and I put yogurt in it every day. It's about 2 inches longer and the same length wider than the yogurt container. It was a gift from my cousin Bethany. She's obsessed with small battery operated things, and gave me a fan with the same attributes for my birthday. It too stays in my bag. When I finish the yogurt I throw the garbage in my bag and take out my phone to check if I have any jobs to do today. It scans my face and asks for my password. After I say 'Agent M' it opens. This is my business phone; the one I keep in a holster strapped onto the inside of my left arm, not the one I walk around with in a tight grip. That one mainly has games, books and contacts for my family on it.
Seeing that I have nothing to do after school I decide to go to the park before heading home for dinner, well, if Ry doesn't have to do anything, if he does, I'll just order pizza. I may be able to cook but I am too lazy. Too lazy to cook but always ready to kill, I snort. I lock the phone and put it in its holster before taking the other one that I had put in my bag out to play games until its silent alarm for me to start walking to class pops up. 'Ah Doodle Jump, what would I do without you? Probably kill. Oh, wait.' I smile at the thought and how my brain works before adjusting myself to be more comfortable and opening the app.
Finally posted this and I'm proud. xx -M