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Melody wake up." Her mother says as she shakes her awake.

It's been five years since I last heard or seen my so called father,since the argument five years since the divorce. But why should this be any different without him,cause I turned sixteen.

I just had the weirdest dream last night,I was at a pool party that was Athena's. When I see deep dark sapphire eyes looking at me from the other side of the pool,as I swim alone. Then he drags me out of the pool and puts a rough hand over my mouth. Then ties me up and puts a bag over my face,and puts me over his shoulder.Twenty six minutes later I hear through the bag. "Master I brought her." A horse voice says. All of a sudden the bag is removed from my head,I see a guy that has wash board abs and amazing pecs with midnight black wings and blue jeans that fit him just right with tan skin,with emerald green eyes.

I get up and put on my favorite blue jeans and ruby red tank top,curl my long dirty blonde hair. Place my size six feet in my black pumps. Go down eat bacon and eggs and thank mom and drove to school in my red convertible to worst day of my life school or better known as the first day of school. Once I get to school I sit in my car and put on my makeup. As I'm putting on my mascara my best friend scares the living life out of me.

"What the heck was that for?"

"For being so hateful,how can you not pick me up at my house like you promised." She glares

"Well sorry I have have a lot on my mind.things like my strange dream,that I'm sure I can't tell you about."

"Care to share what's on your mind?" She asks as I get out out of my convertible.

"I would but then you would call me crazy and that I need to be placed in a asylum." I say back to her while I walk through the parking lot to the big double doors of the school.

"Hey wait up for me." Luke says as he catches my arm and pulls me into a kiss.

The best kiss of my life. I mean those soft pink lips that I could kiss all day long.

Then the kiss ended and pulls me out of my thoughts and I look at him and his gorgeous hazel eyes and asked "How are you and how was your summer?" Only because I didn't see him all summer long because he went to a family reunion.

"It was a blast. What about your summer how was it?" He asked me while taking my hand walking me to my first class.

"Well it was good and fun." I say as I stop in the front of my first class. This should be a blast.

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