~Chapter Four~

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Me:Hey you guys, I am back. So thanks for the reviews I loved them.

Naru:Can you just get on with the story

Me:Yeah, I really don't feel like arguing with you today.

Lin:jordycat2000 does not own anyone from Ghost Hunt, but she does own her own characters

"GET THEM OUT OF ME!!!!!!" I screamed in pain. Naru and I have been married for about two years and nine months ago I got pregnant with Naru's babies. Right about now I am giving birth to the first one, yes the first one. I am having twins. We don't know what gender we are having yet. All we know is that there are two of them.

"It will be alright okay. You will be fine, Mai." I hear Naru whispering words of encouragement to me.

"Alright Mrs. Davis, I need a really big push. The first one be out after one big push." The Doctor said to me.

"I CAN'T DO IT!!!! IT HURTS TOO MUCH!!!!!!" I scream out.

"Mai, I need you to do this. For our children, for me. Okay." Naru says.

"Okay, but I am going to hurt you once we are done here for doing this to me!" I say out of anger and pain.

"It takes two to tango, Mai." He says before I give another push.

~2 hrs later~

I was laying in the hospital room waiting for the doctor and Naru to come in from cleaning the babies. I was exhausted, all I wanted to do was go to sleep but I also wanted to see my babies. After a while, I almost fell asleep but Naru came in with the doctor. Each of them had a baby in their hands. Naru was holding one with a pink blanket and the doctor was holding one with a blue blanket.

"Here you go Mrs. Davis, you have a healthy baby girl and boy. I will be back with the birth certificate so you can fill out the names of each twin." The doctor said as he handed me my baby boy. I looked at my baby boy and he looked like an exact replica of Naru. The facial structure and his black tuft of hair. His eyes weren't open yet so I haven't seen his eye color. I shifted him so I could see him even better. Whenever I did that he opened his eyes. His eyes were a darker shade of my eyes. They were a creamy caramel color. I started to get tears in my eyes. I look over at Naru and he is staring at me.

"You okay, Mai?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just tired. Can I see our daughter?" I answer him with a question. He nodded and we traded off babies. I looked at our daughter. She had the same color hair and eyes as her father but she had my facial structure. She started to giggle and reach out for me. I giggled with tears in my eyes. I looked over at Naru he was looking down at his son with his dazzling smile that he rarely shows.

"Hey Naru?"


"Are the others outside waiting?" I ask him. He looks up at me.

"Mai, do you really think that they would miss out on this. They are our family after all." He said smirking at me. I smiled at him. I started thinking about what to name them.

"Naru, I have an Idea what to name them, but only if you agree." I say

"What are they Mai?"

"Well for our girl it could be Olivia Grace," I look to him for reassurance. He nods "And for our boy I really want it to be Eugene Alexander."

"Mai, those names are perfect for them. I really like them. Why don't we call the others in to meet Olivia and Eugene." He says.

"Kay, can I hold Eugene while you get the others?" I ask. He puts Eugene in my right arm while Olivia in in my Left. I look at both of them together. I didn't even hear him leave. I was trapped in my own world. They both were giggling and gurgling while looking up at me.

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