Maka's view •°•°•°•
Me and Soul were just making our way to DWMA in an awkward silence, but suddenly we ran into Blackstar and Kid came up to us.
Soul asked how Kid's life was going and Kid said he wasnt married yet but he was doing good. I thought to my self that what Soul asked was pretty rude but its hard to tell if he was joking or not.
As I told Soul what I thought and he teased me about me being flatchested. Now don't get me wrong I've been teased ALOT about being flat chests but this time I felt a part of my heart aching, so a while later I was mad at him but part of me didn't want to get mad at him.
...Some Time Later...
I was so deep in thought that sometimes Soul had to warn me several times since I also ran into a pole. Soul stopped so I stopped and noticed that we were already here, I saw Soul look at me but I didn't look back, somehow I felt mad at my self for no reason.I noticed that Soul was walking in a different way than where we are supposed to so I said "Soul, class is this way." He told me that he will catch up to me soon and that he will only miss one lesson, somehow I feel like he's up to something..
I was in class and saw that Tsubaki , Liz and Patty and the rest of the gang were there except for me and Soul. As I looked to my right I saw Stein was ready to dissect another poor animal.As I sat down deep in thought that I didn't even notice Tsunami saying my name multiple times. "Maka, are you okay?" Tsubaki asked calmly, "Yes, I'm just wondering why Soul headed to the field instead of the class." I answered. " WHAT?!??.. THERE'S A FIELD HERE IN DWMA AND ME the AMAZING Blackstar DOESNT KNOW ABOUT IT!!!!?!" Black star shouted out loud. Somehow my eyes feel heavy.... All I as was pure blackness and a thud as if something had fell.