(15) The plan that failed?

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~Amelia's P.O.V.~

The smell of fresh laundry detergent hit my nose as I woke. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I was expecting to be greeted with the damp smell of the dungeons. Peeking my eyes open a little, I found myself atop freshly clean ivory sheets and scanned the room I found myself in. It was plain, with just the necessities: a small bed, a bedside table, a desk and a wardrobe. Yet I felt as if I'd woken up in a five-star hotel.

I noticed the window was open slightly, the cold air sending a shiver up my spine. I watched the curtains sway back and forth only to realise that it was light outside. Exactly how long had I been sleeping? I prayed that it had only been a day. I urgently needed to speak with Erwin as I knew that the plan to capture Annie was going to be soon. For all I knew, it could have already happened. 

Anxiety surged through my body, causing me to bolt out of bed. Which I instantly regretted as blood rushed to my head, throwing my balance out of whack. My limbs felt like lead and I was truly exhausted. But that didn't do much to stop me. I needed to see Erwin. 

Looking down at my attire, I noticed that I was still in the same clothes as I was yesterday. On one hand, that meant that I had avoided the classic being undressed whilst unconscious trope that always seemed to occur in movies and books. On the other, it meant that I was in no state to face Erwin.

Sauntering over to the door, I checked to see if it was locked. I wasn't letting anyone walk in whilst I was changing. Again, I'm aware that I seem paranoid but I was now in a fictional world which meant I wasn't taking any chances. 

Next, I headed over to the wardrobe. I assumed that if this room was meant for me it would have been stocked with some clothes for me to use. Creaking open the door, my hunch had indeed been correct. There were several sets of uniforms alongside some more casual-looking attire inside. I opted for casual clothes as I was still recovering from my injuries and didn't fancy wearing any tight clothing. 

Slipping off my dirty clothing, I inhaled the luxurious scent of detergent. I always seemed to miss the little things I took for granted back on Earth. Promptly, I got dressed and went to grab my discarded shoes by the side of the bed. Someone must have taken them off before lying me down on the bed.

Now, it was time to face Erwin and the very thought of it petrified me. That man was a force of nature and I wasn't sure that I was strong enough to face him. Nonetheless, I pulled together the slithers of courage that I had within myself and set off towards his office. I earned a few weird stares on my way, most likely due to my attire. Everyone else was adorned in their uniforms, rushing about the place. This meant that my gut had been right and the plan to capture Annie was unfolding. Which meant that I didn't have a lot of time to persuade Erwin. 

Reaching the doors to his office, I knocked quickly and let myself in without waiting for a response. Erwin didn't spare me a glance as I entered. But when he did meet my eyes, I saw a flicker of ire in his expression that quickly faded to a polite smile when he realised who I was. 

"Ah Amelia, I heard that you were attacked yesterday. Shouldn't you still be resting?" Erwin asked with fake concern. He only cared whether or not I was well enough to fight for his cause.

"I didn't come here to talk about my health. I came here to offer my help," I deliberately was being vague to catch his attention to stop him from dismissing me immediately. 

A smirk rose to his lips. "What exactly can you help me with? Unless you want to depart with any of the precious information you guard so closely?" Erwin raised one of his thick eyebrows at me.

"I'm fully aware that you have now discovered the Female Titan's identity and plan to try and capture her. Meaning you know that my previous information was correct." I waited for his response.

Titans Rule, Levi Ackerman UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now