Part 12

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  You get off the train in Kings Cross station and automatically are spotted by a fan who comes over. "Hi! Im Katie! I love you guys so much" Katie hugs the guys then looks down at Laura "Are you Laura? Ignazio's girlfriend?." "Yep" "Aww! I read Ignazio's tweet about you and Im sorry to any arseholes who are giving you hate.Don't let them get to you.You have every right to be with Ignazio.All that matter is that you both happy." She smiles and Laura smiles back,really touched by the words Katie said.Ignazio nudges Laura,smiles at her and mouths "See?." Katie stays with the guys and Laura for another 5 minutes,getting photos and autographs before walking with the guys outside and leaving.
"Right then" Gianluca says "Where to?" "I quite fancy the London eye." Piero excitedly says,looking to Ignazio and Laura to see if they agree,seeing Laura who has a worried look on her face."Whats wrong?" Piero says squatting down to Laura's level."I do want to go on the London eye but I have a fear of heights and fear of falling..." Laura says with tears welling up in her eyes at the thought.Ignazio bends down and puts a hand on Laura's knee "Its Ok Mi amore.You wont fall,you will be safe,I promise I wont let anything happen" he says softly,wiping away a tear from Laura's cheek.Laura just smiled and headed off towards the London eye.
Il Volo had got the VIP booth which had drinks and food avaliable to which everyone was really excited about.Ignazio helped Laura to get her wheelchair onto the capsule and sat down next to her,holding her hand and reassuring her that she is safe.When they reached the top Gianluca and Piero rushed to the window to see the view."You coming?" Ignazio smiled gesturing to push Laura's wheelchair "Don't worry,I'll be right behind you and will hold onto you at all time sweetheart." he said pushing Laura's wheelchair towards the window."Wow!" Laura exclaimed not focusing on what was beneath her but straight ahead."Thats so beautiful!" "Just like you then" Ignazio said crouching down beside her and kissing her cheek. "SAVE IT FOR THE BEDROOM YOU TWO!" Piero shouted,mocking them.They smiled and continued looking out the window,enjoying the view.Ignazio never let go of Laura throughout the whole thing which made her relax.
After the London Eye,they took a bus to Trafalger Square."Wanna go to the museum?" Said Gianluca gesuring up some steps to the place.Laura smiled and thought that this was the perfect oppertunity to show them what she had been learning over the past few months.Laura was told she would never be able to walk but over the last few months away from Il Volo she had been defying the odds and had been learning to walk."Come on then,I'll take you around the side entrance" Ignazio said grabbing the back of Laura's wheelchair but Laura swiftly stopped him.Ignazio looked in suprise "What are you doing?" He questioned."This..." Laura said "Igna,give me your hand please." Ignazio did so,still completely clueless as to what Laura was doing but his expression changed to that of amazement when Laura stood up."You can let go of me now" She laughed "Im fine,I can stand on my own two feet." All the boys just stood there,No other words came out of their mouths but "WOW!." Althought Gianluca was panicking a little that Laura was gonna fall but Laura reassured him she was fine."Over the last few months that i've been away from you,Ive been learning to walk.The doctors told me I'd never do it but I proved them wrong" Laura explained as she took her first step towards the steps,Ignazio being right beside her ready to catch her if she fell,Piero pushing the empty Wheelchair and Gianluca being at the other side of Laura."I'll need my wheelchair when I get to the top because I'll be exhausted" Laura said looking over at Piero who rushed to the top carrying the wheelchair then got out his phone and started recording.Laura laughed,took a deep breathe in and climbed the first few steps,stopping after every few steps for a breather.The guys encouraged her as she reached the top and a little crowd had formed."Come on,last step mi amor" Ignazio said with a grin.When Laura reached the top she collapsed back in to her wheelchair,out of breath but smiling at the fact she had just managed a whole flight of stairs.The little crowd that had formed around her cheered and clapped before quickly dissapearing.All the guys crouched down to Laura and smiled. "Im so proud of you,Laura!" Piero said."Second that" "Third that" the guys said. "Shall we get going around the museum? I'll push you" both Gianluca and Ignazio said fighting to get to Laura to push her.Ignazio won leaving Gianluca sulking."You'll get a turn" Laura said to Gianluca.She paused for a moment to catch her breathe before continuing to speak "For sure..." she said Immitating Gianluca. "I wont be doing that again.It was so tiring"  

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