Chapter 8

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Be John. Again. ==>

You felt embarrassed, yet impressed with your teachers pranking skill. She's good. You started to plan revenge while walking with Dave to fourth period. Oddly enough, you two had exactly the same classes except for period 6. Dave had PE and you had Dance.

Dave had told you about his theory that when Bro was enrolling him into the school, he used his magic to give Dave the same classes as you, but leaving out Dance because it was too "gay". No matter how much you denied it, you knew it was true. Dance is kind matter which way you looked at it. Sure there was many males that dance professionally, but taking it as a class in high school when your flexibility is that of a frozen spoon, it will set every gaydar off in a forty foot radius.

You finally found the room where Art was held. As you and Dave walked in, the teacher was no where to be seen. The room however was odder than anything you had ever seen before. All the furniture, all the walls, ceiling, floor, you name it, was green.

"Shouldn't Mr. Hussie be here?" You asked Dave quietly, taking a seat at one of the brightly colored desks.

"Sorry, did someone say Mr. Hussie?" A man wearing a black shirt with an odd symbol on it appeared from the shadows, scaring one student so bad she fell off her chair and was gasping for breath. The man stood there and looked down at the girl with a blank expression. "Oops."

If you thought that all of your other classes were weird, then this one had to be alienated. From the beginning of learning to draw dead bodies to the end of talking about his "life" story that consisted of weird words and long rambling, this man was nuts. Dave was completely humored! He found Mr. Hussie hysterical, but you found him slightly creepy.

You were on your way to lunch, finding your locker whilst parting ways with Dave, whose locker was in a different hallway. You had gotten used to the idea of having that ironic douchebag around, so it was moderately lonely in the hallway without him.

Taking out the paper bag Dad had packed your lunch in, you groaned with a smile. He drew something on the bag. It was a heart. Of course it made you happy you knew your dad supported you, but really? A heart? You couldn't wait to see what Dave had to say about this. You closed your locker and turned around in the empty hallway, enjoying the quiet.

Suddenly, your heart stopped when you heard someone make a sound.

A/N: The next chapter is going to be a DirkJake kind of thing, still part of the plot, but you don't have to read it if that's not your thing. It will be just fluff. So you can skip the chapter if you would like, and just pick it up on the next chapter. Also please remember to vote, comment, and tell your irl/internet friends about this story. Thanks!


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