Dais Pov
Earlier we had set out splitting up just like we planned, It was difficult at first to make sure no skinbags caught our scent but it worked. I was now inside the camp breathing heavily as Lucias walked around me in slow circles, he was smiling much to my disgust.
"Well well, look who held up her paws and gave in." He leaned down to my face and I had to use all my willpower not to bite his nose off. "I sent the girlies off just like you instructed me, I figured who needs them when my sweet little sister finally gave in?" He blew air in my face making em cringe, his breathe smelled awful like something rotted inside.
"Whatever Lucias," I spat straing against the bonds of my hand."Let go off my hands you kept your end of the bargain and I'll keep mine."
"Oooh will you now?" He chuckled clicking his tongue, "Do you think I am stupid Dai? That I spent all those years in a hole? Of father might not have loved me or mother, but I am not stupid I could smell your worthless wolves a mile away."
I just stared at him codly , "Just what are you suggesting asshole?" I tried to ignore the frantic beating of my heart as I stared at him.
"You know what I mean Dai." He snarled and threw back the flap to the tent he had me tied in, there was all the girls and Hunter. I could feel my face go pale as I looked at his beat up form. I knew as a werewolf he healed fast so the amount of damage still visable made me feel sick to my stomache.
"What did you do!" I screeched, feeling my blood begin to boil.
"What do you mean Dai." Lucias smirked his features shifting into something else, like different pieces of faces had been pasted into one. "How do you like my new power? I got it from that sorceress you thought could seduce my gaurds, after I devored her of course. I'm almost offended sister, that you would think so lowly of my intellegence."
I just stared at him in both shock and disgust. "Are you insane Lucias? You devored the soul of a witch?" Devoring the souls of any magical creature is impossible except for the most high leveled demons, and even then the majority of them go insane, I didnt even want to think of what this gave to Lucias.
"Oh no little Dai," He grinned causing me to gag, " I devoured multiple souls. I;m unstoppable now and you will be my slave." Snarling I felt my chains break as I stood, so much blood was boiling in my viens but I still hadn't completely let go of my humanity,
"In your dreams Lucias." I lashed out with my nails only to have him easily dodge me laughing.
"Oh my dreams huh? Why don't I show you something little sister, before you came here I repaid an old debt." Like a picture show I watched as Lucias replayed the memory of killing my mother, if only that was all he did, but it wasn't it was a horror movie I couldn't move from, and when it was over I felt a deadly stillness settle in me. Lucias was laughing when I came too completely, his newly disoriented face twisted into disgusting expressions. "Are you mad little Dai? I repaid the debt to my mom, your whore mother will never be able to walk again, but then again you don't truly care do you? You've always hated her haven't you? You weren't even there to save her." He was taunting me, trying to disorient me, but it didn't even matter anymore. I felt cold.
"You've made a mistake brother." I could see the prisoners faces pale, including Hunters, I didn't have to look in a mirror to guess what I looked like right now, but honestly I didn't care anymore, it felt as though I was walking free of any emotions, I could kill worlds without blinking an eye.
"How have I made a mistake sister dear?" His wild eyes reflected my now wild hair and deep purple eyes,"I see you too have gained new powers, but I assure you it wont be enough to defeat me. You will always loose." His smile was taunting but this time I just smiled back, showing off my pearly canines.
"Belladonna," I sang enjoying the look of confusion in his eyes." Have you heard her sing yet brither dear? I'll be sure to lend you a hand." I sliced out with my nails laughing as he screamed his right hand flying off,
"You bitch." He snarled lashing out at m with his other hand, striking me straight in the face. I should have flown backwards but I didn't even bat an eye. A glimmer of fear showed in his eyes before he managed to stamp it down.
"I'm going to kill you now." I said it simplly lightly even. At that moment though, it didnt even feel like me anymore it was like I was watching a emotionless shell of myself move in for the kill, and tear Lucias apart piece by piece, I was smiling as his blood splattered across my skin and laughing as he screamed. It was a beast one I wasn't even sure was me. I could see everyone looking at me fear in there eyes. Except Hunter oh my sweet Hunter. Maybe if I had listened this wouldn't have happened.
"AGHHHH" I doubled over in agony suddenly, jilting back into my own conciousness, my stomache was in pain and i could see liquidy blood running from down my legs. I was fighting now with ym own beast fighting her to let me have control, the cubs were in danger and if I didn't get control I would loose them, my precious cubs.
Suddenly I was floating in darkness, it was all around me thick like oil but smooth like water. It was all so blurry, what was I doing here?
"Dai." I turned shocked the voice was cool and slippery but I couldn't seem to see a face.
""Whose there? Where am I?What happened?"I felt frantic my emotions seemed t be all around me all at once, like someone pooled them into my skin instead of my mind.
"Dai, I am the nightmare you suppress every night, I am you." I screamed as a smiling bloody versoin of myself approached me. "I am here to give you a choice."
"I backed away slowly my heart beating fast as I started at the version of myself. "What do you mean a choice?" She sighed smiling at me now, do you rememember what happened Dai? You killed Lucias, your half- brother, your sworn enemy. You have two paths now and I am going to let you choose."
I stepped forward hesitantly, "How do I know you wont try to trick me?"
She just smiled and laughed reachign out and stroking ym face causing me to wince violently. "I wont. It for you to decide so choose carefully."
I nodded hesitantly looking at her again, "What are my choices?" She smiled widely now showing blood soaked canines and a sharpened tongue.
"Well you can wake up and live your life, with Hunter live it happily and fully with all the cubs you could want, or you could wake up and kill everything you see and end up like me." I stared at her confused now.
"How is that much of a choice?"
"Well." She frowned now, "If you choose to live happily it will come at a price, one of your children will become a murder, another will have the fate of the world in there hands, and the rest are all doomed die if one fails"
"What!?" I glared now, "Why would my children have such fates?"
"Because happiness comes at a price." She looked down at me now her eyes watering." You could have no children and not have to worry or you could live and be happy. Either desicion, you will die at the hands of someone you love, choose wisely Dai." Two doors appeared behind her, I somehow knew one would send me to happiness another to my own hell, but both would end sadly. Closing my eyes I stepped towards the door I had choosen and prayed that I could beat fate.

Teenage Succubus
ParanormalDai is a sweet girl of about 18, but she also has a large secret that interferes with her love life, social life and above all her mental mind. Then it all changes as one day she meets HIM a local pack leader he is also her mate, and a police office...