Chapter 26: Manipulating The Dark

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Surprisingly, Alix took the news well. After spending last night scolding me, I expected her to be more distraught. I even hoped that she would reconsider going with Dmitri and me but the next day, she woke up with a smile on her face and made a flippant comment about the weather. As we walked to breakfast together, I couldn't help but shoot her worried glances as she rambled on about some drama between her brother Mira's cousin. There was a brief moment when I thought that maybe, just maybe, her sense of preservation had caught up to her when she suddenly stopped walking and gasped. But, I was wrong.

"I forgot to study!" She ran down the hall and pulled out her textbook from her pile of books.

I shook my head and cracked a smile. Maybe it was better that she wasn't dwelling on the future. I could have asked her what she knew but something kept me from pressing any questions. Someone was going to die—that's what Alix had implied. I refused to see that happen.

Dmitri and I looked as if we were secretly plotting the destruction of the world with the quick glares we sent each other at breakfast. The food on our plates remained untouched and cold as our stomachs twisted into painful knots. Anxiety was practically oozing from his pores. Using only my eyes, I tried assure him that his secret was safe with me but he didn't relax. And, if I were in his shoes, I don't believe I would have been fine either. That secret he harbored was not something he could hide forever, eventually it would come out and the repercussions would be brutal. The Council, of course, wouldn't do anything, since they were in on the whole ordeal but there would be those in school who would not be happy about the deception. The least I could do, was keep his secret for a little while.

Forcing my mind away from Dmitri, and the ball, I tuned in to the conversations that surrounded us- only to wish that I hadn't. Everyone was talking about the ball. Through eavesdropping, I found out that most people thought Kimone shimmery, sliver Egyptian-styled dress was a top favorite out of all of our outfits. I also discovered that Mira and Ryder had apparently hooked up afterwards. They denied all of the rumors but guilt and regret kept showing up on their emotional radar.

"So, is it true?" Mira's icy blue eyes were narrowed and focused on Dmitri and me. Resisting a shiver, I remembered how she had every reason to try to kill me. Dmitri furrowed his brow and gave her a quizzical look.

"What are you talking about?" His Russian accent curled the words as he spoke. His light brown hair was fashionably styled. With his high cheekbones and kissable lips he looked like the perfect boy, but his brother's looks went beyond perfect.

Her glossy pink lips twisted into a sneer. "Don't play dumb with me, Alek! Everyone in school knows you two disappeared for a lengthy amount of time."

Suddenly, all of the students sitting on the platform were interested in what we were going to say. I felt their ravenous stares on my back as they waited to hear the juicy gossip. Didn't anyone value privacy nowadays? Ryder playfully nudged my shoulder. He wiggled his golden brows and gave me naughty smile.

"Nothing happened," I told them.

It wasn't a complete lie; nothing happened that I wanted to discuss. Mira rolled her eyes in disbelief and turned to Dmitri. This time her demeanor was more demanding. He squirmed in his seat as she scrutinized him.

"We...uh...kissed," he said bluntly.

My eyes rounded in horror as the words finally connected. He told everyone that he kissed me. Whispers arose from the ravenous teenagers, they hungrily consumed the gossip and twisted each word he said until it sounded like a soap opera. Humiliated, I abruptly stood up and ran off of platform.

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