first date

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"Shawn," I whine. "Where are we going? We're in the middle of the freaking woods!"

"Be patient, (Y/N), we're almost there..."

Shawn dragged me through the forest, warning me when there were tree roots and large sticks on the ground that I would most likely trip over due to my clumsiness if he hadn't warned me. I felt a breeze start and wrapped my arms around myself, trying to keep warm.

"Cold?" Shawn asks.

"Y-yeah." I say, the wind making me shiver.

"Here," he takes off his maroon sweatshirt and hands it to me. "Put it on."

"Shawn, you didn't have to." I blush as I pull the sweatshirt over my head and slip my arms through the sleeves. "Thank you, though."

"Just remember to give it back." He smirks and I laugh.

After about ten more minutes of me asking when we would get there and Shawn saying that we were close, we stepped into a large plain area of grass.

There was literally nothing else there except grass.

"Shawn, what are we doing here?" I ask, frowning a bit.

"Look up." He says and I move my eyes up to the sky.

There was not a cloud in sight and you could see all of the stars perfectly.

"Oh my goodness," I mutter.

"Yeah." Shawn whispers and grabs my hand. "Lay down."

We both sit down on the dry grass, still looking up at the sky.

"There's Orion," I point to three stars in an almost perfect line. "See? His belt is right there."

"Oh yeah! And then the Big and Little Dipper over there." Shawn points at two constellations.

"Near those trees is Ursa Major." I say looking to my left. "This is fun, Shawn."

"I thought it would be a good first date." He smiles over at me, and I smile back. Looking up again, I notice something.

"There's a shooting star!" I practically scream. "Make a wish, Shawn!"

He mutters something under his breath and I can just make it out: "I wish that (Y/N) would be my girlfriend."

I smile. He wanted me to be his girlfriend.

"What?" He asks with a confused face.

"You want me to be your girlfriend?" I ask, looking into his caramel colored eyes.

"Well, yeah..." He blushes and looks to the ground.

"Because the answer is yes." I say intertwining his larger fingers into mine.

"R-really?" He stutters, looking up.

"Of course." I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"I really like you, (Y/N)." Shawn says.

"I really like you, too, Shawn." I say, a smile smile now on my face. "And I'm glad to call you my boyfriend."

"Thanks again, Shawn." I kiss his cheek before unlocking the door to my house.

"No problem." He smiles. "This Friday at eight?"

"Sure, Netflix marathon at your place?" I suggest.

"Sounds great." Shawn says. "See you then."

"Bye, Shawn." He starts walking down the steps and I shut the door.

I sit down on the couch, turning the television on, when I hear a knock at my door.

"Um, (Y/N)?" It was Shawn.

I open the door and see him smirking at me.

"What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Can I have my sweatshirt back?" He says with a laugh.

"Oh, right." I blush and take it off, handing it to him. "Sorry."

"It's fine. Maybe next time I'll let you keep it." Shawn winks, making me laugh.

"I'd like that." I say. "Bye, Shawn."

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He smiles.

That was a great first date.


Ew that sounded better in my head

Keep smiling and stuff,

~ Anna

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