Why can't anxiety be easy?
Why can't I just get over it?
Why is it always there to make me feel awkward and alone, when deep down I know I have so many people to love me....why does it beat me Down.? Why is it trapping me and making me so scared i shake?Why can't I just smile and really mean it?
Why can't I just love myself?
Why do I have to snap at people when I don't mean to?
Why am I like this?
If I made anyone upset that did this to me, I learned my lessons I did
Why do I feel like a burdened
Why do I feel alone when my heart says I have people who care and love me?
Why is anxiety this evil thing that beats me down.?People have said
"Why do you let it control you?"
"Shouldn't ou be over it by now?"
But they don't realize that the worst battle of all. In anything in the world...is fighting yourself. Is trying to force the pain and harsh words you heard to go away, to not mean anything...when they really mean everything
Anxiety isn't just a feeling
Anxiety isn't just something you can turn ofAnxiety is a disorder
It's something that doesn't only control you, but it possesses you. It's really you fighting you
Smiling is hard
Laughing is hard
Trying to brush it off is hard
Crying is scary
But it's apart of the attack

The truth
PoetryThese different random poems are to reflect me, these poems are all mine and i wrote all of them, there are about me.