Fight And Kick

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Olivia POV

My stomach was showing a little more and I couldn't be happier. I couldn't wait to have this baby. Brian and I have been thinking of names, but we still can't agree on one that we both like. We'd fight about it all the time.

And that's not the only reason we've been fighting. He keeps telling me that it would be best to take some time off of work and focus on the baby.

I can't help but think that he's going to want me to be like a stay at home mom. Not that it's a bad thing, but I love my job. I don't want to just throw it all away. I'm planning on taking the time they'll give me on maternity leave then come back to work.

But I know Brian wants me to start thinking about staying home all day. It's a constant argument between us. I don't understand why he can't just drop it. I'm not leaving my job.

I got home after a long case, I hadn't been home in the past 3 days. I got home around 10, so I was pretty sure Noah was asleep. Brian, on the other hand was up, and waiting for me. He didn't look happy when I got home.

"Hey." I said taking off my coat and putting down my bag.

"Hey, that's all you have to say is hey. You haven't been home for at least 3 days. You don't come by and your not answering my phone calls!" He yelled.

"Hey, don't raise your voice at me. And I couldn't. The case required my full attention. It was a big one. And I am sorry I didn't call you back. But I checked up on Noah everyday." I said moving towards the kitchen to get some water.

"That's not the point Liv. Your so used to the life where you could be at work all the time and never come home. It's different now. You have to watch out for not only Noah, but our baby. You can't just take off. Maybe you should reconsider my option-"

I cut him off right that second. "No! I already told you i'm not leaving the unit. I admit it, my hours can get a little hectic. But I can handle it. I have before and I will continue. The job is not going to get in the way of me raising my kids. So stop trying to change my mind Brian!"

"Liv, you would be here full time and be with the kids. I'd work and i'd take care of all of you."

Now I finally got it. He had gotten an interview for Homicide but didn't get the job. So he was stuck in IAB, while I was going higher in the ranks. I was even thinking of taking the Lieutenant's exam. He wasn't mad about the hours, he was mad that I was doing better than him.

"Brian, I know your still angry about not getting the job, but that doesn't mean you have to take it out on me ok."

"Liv, that's not the point." He said running his hand through his hair.

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't! Look I shouldn't have to fight with you about this. We are becoming a family, and as the man of this family, I have decided. Your leaving work."

There was no way. He'd have to kill me. I wasn't leaving my job. I could make this family grow by myself if I had to. But I am not about to have him come here and think he can just run things.

"Well, you know what? I don't agree with your decision. And I won't be following your choice. And if having a man in the house, means I have to give up the job I love, I don't need one. I will take care of this family, with or without you." I said while taking off my engagement ring. I loved Brian, but he was losing it. He's crazy if he thinks i'd put up with this shit. I put the ring on the coffee table and crossed my arms.

"Liv, put the ring back on."

"No! You can't just come here, after having not been here for the first months of my pregnancy and decided you can run my life. I'm not doing it Brian. So either you stop acting the way you are or- " I felt something and I immediately put my hands to my stomach. "Oh my God." I said rubbing my stomach and smiling.

Brian got close to me. "What, what is it? Are you alright?"

"The baby, she kicked." I smiled.

"What!" He put his hands on my stomach and we felt her kick again. He looked up at me and he had tears in his eyes. He put his hands on my face and kissed me.

"I'm sorry. I am. I'm just upset. I'm sorry. I love you Livie. I'm afraid you'll get hurt later on, I mean you fell already. I just- want you both to be safe." He said.

"I know, but you have to trust me Bri." I said kissing him.

"I will, I promise." he bent down and picked up the ring from the table. "Please, put it back on."

I smiled and nodded. He grabbed my hand and slid the ring back on my finger.

"I love you." He said hugging me, not to tight.

"I love you to."

Amanda POV

Nick and I just got into a really heated argument about Nate. He found out Nate tried contacting me and Nick was furious. he punched a whole through the wall. And this wasn't the first time we fought. A couple days back a waiter flirted with me and he almost fought him in front of everyone.

He left slamming the door. I knew he was jealous, but I can't have him do this everytime a guy tries to get in contact with me. It's just not going to happen.

He needs to control his anger before we both do something well regret.

(Hey everyone, I know I haven't updated in forever. School has taken up all my time, sorry. I will try to update sooner, sorry. and I can't wait for SVU to come back. I need my SVU Wednesdays back.)

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