Apologizing ?

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Tynesha's POV

I walked around the school looking for Tyrek to bring me home.I was tired and bored,I don't even know why I even came to school for no reason.I was going around the corner until I was pulled back slowly,by someone hands.

"What the fuck."I turned around and see someone with a Snapback,I lifted it up and almost had a heart attack.I calm down and started to walk back to the door,but he closed it again.

"Like what the fuck you want,I don't have time for this." I said angry.

"Aye,you need to calm the fuck down,cause Im not afraid to do something to you!" He yelled in my face.I lean on the wall and waited for him.

"So,are you going to talk or what Amaru,"

"I want to apologize,for the things I did to you."

"Okay,what change it going to do?"He shrugged his shoulders.I rolled my eyes and went out the door fast before he grab me again.As I walked out I bump into someone with made my stubble back a few steps.I look up and see that it was Ty looking angry.

"Nesha,how many times I told you to stay away from him?!" He said glaring at Amaru.

"Chill he was apologizing,"

"And you accept it?"

"Thinking about it," I said poking my head.I started walking to out the school,I turned around and notice that Tyrek was still looking at Amaru,I went over to him and start pushing him.

"LETS GO,AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR FIGHTING!" He finally started walking to his car with me around his arms.

Sam's POV

I have one more month until my babies Anerria and Devon come out of me.To be honest I'm afraid,what if something happen to one of them this is my first Childs that I'm going to be raising my whole life with Shawn.And I just notice that my parents are going to be in the hospital too,when I'm giving birth and they had never met Shawn yet.Now that make me more worried than before.

"Babe," I turned my head around and see Shawn walking to the bed with only basketball shorts on.


"Do you know when the babies are going to be born?"I shaked my head.

"No,the doctor said that its possible that they going to be born somewhere around June."

"How about the wedding?"

"Somewhere around July."He nodded his head and layed next to me.My stomach was huge and I was laying down on my back,I couldn't barely see the television.The struggles I face when your pregnant,lesson learned.

Cassie's POV

"You sure you know what your doing," said Kaelynn.Now you may not know Kaelynn,so let me explain.Kaelynn Harris is a dancer,actually she's a beast dancer.I knew her since elementary years,then when middle school year came she moved to Mexico.I don't know,her family is from California.

"Of course,I know what I'm doing.I always know what I'm doing." I throw some mentos in my mouth.As you notice I'm doing the Diet coke and Mentos challenge as a project for Computer class.Kaelynn had the video camera ready and was recording.

"Diet Coke and Mento Challenge Part One with Cassie Thompson and Kaelynn Harris.Period 6" She gesture me to go,the mentos was already in my mouth,so I started to drink the coke,and the frizz was forming,it started to flood over my mouth and next thing you know I started throwing up the frizzy coke and mentos at the same time.But like no lie this shit taste nasty,Kaelynn was rolling and DIEING of laughter.I caught some mentos in my hand and ate it,it tasted a little nasty but still good.This is the reason why I don't do projects,but I wanted to get good grades before I finish high school.

"Okay lets stop,cause I have enough footage for this." Kaelynn said putting the camera down.

"Alright,so your going to be sleeping over my house?"She nodded her head.

"Alright,nigga that will be five dollars." She look at me a confused.

"Five dollars,bitch ain't nobody got time for that."

"I do if you are going to stay here,for one night."She signed and handed me five dollars.I glady took it and she was going to get her bags at the car.

(A/N)Vote,Comment,Share!! Its kinda short,but I promise to write a chapter for this.Today is my mom birthday and I thank god for another day she is seeing.Go read Competition For Winning I still need some people for Cast Call.And go read Keeping Updated ? to see what's going on.

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