Chapter 14
Would you believe how long its been since I've come to Cole's pack?
It feels like forever ago but in reality it's only been two months and a week, too the day. I still cannot believe how much has happened in that short amount of time. Let me just start out by saying that the anticipation to meet the Red Moon Pack was haunting me. I needed to put my plan into action soon before I ran out of time.
There are other things to consider though as well. There are things that I didn't plan on fitting into my equation that have spontaneously popped up. Like all the companions I have made. Nick and Jace, for example, are two of the few people who have captivated my attention. I couldn't really punish them for things that they never did, so I could not and would not hurt them. My friendship with them has shown me that I can count on someone to be there for me. That I wasn't alone. I just wish that I had figured this out earlier rather than later. What would they say if they still knew I was planing to destroy their pack? They would never be able to forgive me. Nonetheless, this has to be done, my revenge must go on.
Alex Nighthawk was another piece in this puzzle. He and I had grown closer over that little fiasco at the ice cream parlor. To say the least we've become good friends. I can't say for sure though that we will be able to stay that way, but I can hope for the best.
Cole. That boy is bipolar I swear. One minute he's all chirpy and sweet and then next he's like a time bomb waiting to explode. I will admit though, he is different from what I expected. He's more mature than he used to be, more caring, but lonely nonetheless. At first Cole seemed determined to win me over but as the days moved on he grew dull. He watched as I spent most of my days laughing with Nick, Jace, and Alex. I only caught his eye a few times and in that one moment he opened up to me. Showing me the longing, the sorrow, and the regret. I wish I could forgive him, for all he horrible things he's done, but I just couldn't find it in me. I can't forget what he did to me.
Saraphine, my wolf, has also been distant lately. Only appearing to me when I am in dire need of assistance or when the situation concerns her. Its like she's pulling away from me and I'm not sure why. Aren't we supposed to be connected to our wolves? So why aren't I? And apart from Saraphine there are days were I feel like something inside of me is trying to claw its way out. I get these painful aces all across my body and mind. I became so bad one day I had blacked out.
"Julia!" An ear piercing scream shook me out of my inner turmoil.
"What where's the fire!" I jumped up and frantically ran around the living room.
Drusilla gave me an annoyed look "Calm down. I just came to tell you that the Red Moon pack was here and that Cole said you needed to be there for it. Usually no body is allowed to join us but apparently that rule doesn't apply to you. How convenient." Drusilla whined.
Oh and It seems I forgot to mention Drusilla. She claims to not be threatened by me, which she is, I can see it in her eyes; she fears me. Drusilla also thinks she rules the house, which considering she is Luna you would think that she should be in charge of everybody. Its funny though how she doesn't do squat! She's been Cole's little lap dog for the past month, never leaving his side. Something's just never change. Its ridiculous how desperate for attention she is, you could almost feel sorry for her, almost.
"Whatever, Drusilla. Ill be their on my own accord." I waved her off.
"Oh no you don't! You can't just ignore me, I'm the Luna!" She shouted and yanked me back around to face her.
I scoffed, turning around and plastering a smile on my face, "Don't make me laugh. You? A real Luna? " I giggled, taking a step forward, and scowled. "You were never Luna material and never will be. Your just a stupid trophy wife that Cole picked out because you were a good toy in the night. Nothing more." I whispered lowly, she gave me a petrified look. "Am I not speaking English for your simple little brain or are you just going to stand their all day with your mouth hung open? You know if you do that guys might take that as an open invitation. Oh wait!" I slapped my hand over my mouth. "You already do that for free anyway, my mistake!" I laughed as I sauntered past her and into the hall way. I rounded the corner and walked into the meeting room.
"Please every one take your seats!" Cole announced, his eyes cast down onto the table. The whole room silenced instantaneously and scurried over to their seats around the table. Across from me sat a guy with bottle red hair and a dragon tattoo slithering over his neck. His scent said that he was a beta and a proud one at that. He held confidence, yet his aria wasn't one of an egotistical jerk. The man sitting next to him was even more handsome. His eyes were the lightest jade green I had ever seen and his dark chocolate hair fell over them in a very 'just woke up kinda way'. I admired that he wasn't the conventional handsome guy that every girl fell for. His jaw was somewhat crooked and his nose was slightly bent in a way that said he'd been in one too many fights.
"First off I would just like to welcome all of you to our home." Cole said proudly. "As one of the strongest packs alongside yours I would like for you to make yourself right at home."
"We thank you for inviting us." The man, with jade eyes, spoke.
"No, the pleasure was ours." Cole replied curtly. "Oh and before you disband!" He called everyones attention back on him. "Tomorrow evening will be the Celebration our pack has prepared for your arrival. It will be hosted in the main ballroom at around six or seven o'clock. Now, I will let you all go for the night." Cole looked my way for a millisecond but then quickly looked the other. As I was staring intently at his face willing for him o look back, for whatever reason, someone bumped into me from behind.
A throat cleared behind me. "Watch were your going!" The Alpha of the other pack growled.
"You watch where you're going, asshole!" I shouted back and stocked away. Many people gave me bewildered stares as I passed, completely blow away that I would dare talk to someone of a higher authority like that.
When I came upon a certain blonde haired girl my mood darkend even more. "Drusilla." I scowled. "What do you want? Can't you just leave me alone you, stalker?"
"Oh, don't flatter yourself." She spat back.
I sighed, trying to walk around her, but she grabbed my arm and yanked me back around. For a dainty girl she sure had a strong grip. "You asked what I wanted, right?"
I nodded bordly, "I want you gone. I want you out of this pack forever. I want you to leave Cole and everyone else in this pack alone. You've always messed everything up but not this time. It's my time to shine and it's my time to finally have the guy. You've always had it better! The looks, the personality, even a killer talent!"
Dumbfounded, I stared deeply at her and for the fist time I saw something flicker in her eyes. The flicker was pain. I recognized it instantly from the years of seeing my own reflection staring back at me with so much pain. I knew the feeling all too well. "The fact is Drusilla is that if you actually listened to yourself for just one-second you'd know that everything you just said was a lie. I understand ok, I understand how you feel being completely and utterly useless. I understand how the pain can take its toll but the reality of this all is that I was none of those things. Have you forgotten that I was the runt of this pack for years! Years Drusilla! Beaten and bruised and used all around! I find it priceless that here you stand speaking to me about pain and misery as if I haven't lived through it my whole life. The funny thing is is is that I don't pity you for it, I understand, but I don't pity you because that is exactly how it felt for me all those years. So, get lost Drusilla because I really don't care." Her mouth fell open and I walked away once more.
"Wow, you really put her in her place." Said a cheerful voice from behind me. I spun around and almost knocked heads with a spunky looking girl. "Hi, I'm Tamara." She squeaked, then shook my hand.
"Um hello its nice to meet you too." I said awkwardly, she looked very young to be here maybe 17.
"What you did back there..." She pointed to Drusilla, "That was, wow, that was great!"
"You're not afraid to be seen around me after that?"
"Not at all. People around here can be so judgmental! Luckily for you I'm not one off them." Tamara hooked arms with me. "Come on I want you to meet someone!" She yelled excitedly. Tugging me along behind her we stopped in front of the bottle red head I saw earlier.
"This is Jonathan." She waved to him, "He may look hard on the outside but he's a total softy on the inside." She giggled in my ear.
"Hi it's nice to meet you, Jonathan." I said politely. I waited in silence, he said nothing. I turned to Tamara and she giggled...weird.
"Nice to meet you." He said straight faced and walked away.
Awkwardly I shifted from foot to foot. "Isn't he just a ball of sunshine!"
"Yah." She said dreamily, "He's one of my best friends."
I gave her an 'are you kidding look'. "You have to get to know him first he's really funny and shy when you get to know him." She smiled apologetically.
Maybe she was right maybe he wasn't as harsh or cruel as I though. Maybe he was just misunderstood and maybe a little insecure. "So you go anyother friends?"
"Yah, of course, come on!" Tamara exclaimed and we made our way through the crowd. "Its good to have you has a friend, Julia."
And with that said my breath hitched just a little, taken aback by her kindness. You hear that Page? I'm finally gonna be ok. You were my first friend but you won't be my last. I've cherished all the times we've had together but its time to move on I suppose. I'll never forget you, I promise. I'm still waiting for the day that we meet up again, and you're waiting until he day I join you. We're both waiting for each other and one way or another we'll see each other very soon.
I'm waiting.
You're waiting.
We're both waiting, Page.
For one another.
Not much to say...
- Eden