10. Monday Morning Mishaps

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Riley's advice wasn't some miracle. I didn't instantly do better like I'd hoped, and Mrs. Princeton didn't shower me with praise. But it did make the rehearsal more tolerable. And the more I focused on me, the less I thought about Paige and Mindy. It was like magic.

Of course, I hadn't forgotten the list I'd written Saturday. All day Sunday I worked in my rec room, determined to show huge improvement by class Monday. Mrs. Princeton and everyone else had to know how serious I was about this. I was in it for the long haul.

I went to sleep Sunday night with sore muscles and woke up Monday morning stiff. Zoe shook me awake, and judging by the lack of light streaming through my blinds the sun hadn't even risen yet.

"What?" I mumbled, pulling my blanket higher over my eyes.

Zoe whipped it off me in an instant. "Weren't you going to tag along to drop me off at school today?"

Curse Lincoln for not providing a bus system. As a tiny private school, they relied on parents and carpooling. Not the wisest decision in my opinion, especially because Zoe made a fuss about me going with her some days.

I'd agreed because she spent most of Sunday night begging me, but now I was a lot less excited. It was early, and I wanted sleep. Sleep, and recovery time for my poor throbbing limbs.

"Come on!" Zoe yanked my arms. "We're leaving in twenty minutes."

Finally, I sat up. Zoe looked impeccable as always: her makeup was already done and her hair was pulled into a messy ponytail, tendrils shaping her heart-shaped face.

"Good, you're up! Hurry up and get ready."

I figured if I got up early I could cram in some dance time before I started on my schoolwork. I brushed my hair and teeth, leaving on my cloth shorts and ratty t-shirt advertising an old summer intensive. I wasn't getting out of the car, anyway.

Zoe spent the drive chattering about her homework, the upcoming Homecoming dance, and her endless supply of friends. I scrolled through social media on my phone, dwelling on Paige's profile. I hadn't dared follow her, but I kind of was dying to know what she posted. My finger hovered over the button.

"Ugh, why is this line so long?"

I looked up and saw we'd arrived at the drop-off line. Mom slid to a stop behind a silver van and tapped the wheel impatiently. In the passenger seat, Zoe readjusted her ponytail and spun around to face me.

"Look, there's Paige."

I locked my phone and glanced up. Paige stood on the steps of Lincoln, talking to Lauren. On her other side was a tall guy with shaggy blonde hair. He laughed at something she said and curled an arm around her waist.

My stomach did a happy flip. Did Paige actually have a boyfriend? I could totally use this against her. She couldn't stake her claim on Riley if she already had someone else.

"Who's that guy with her?" I asked Zoe.

"Carter Edwards. I've never met him. He's in your grade."

I chewed on my lip. Mom's SUV inched forward and Paige's eyes swiveled my way. And then somehow, she spotted me in the backseat. I could tell because her eyes did that angry narrowing thing and her lips thinned out. It was like on second she was happy and the next instant she was out to kill.

"She's coming over here. Mom, get out of line. Drive."

"I can't do that!" Mom went so far as to put the car in park. "I've got people on both sides of me. This stupid convertible's about to rear-end me as it is."

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