25: Fundamentally flawed

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 "I know what I'm going to do with you." Michael came into my room and immediately sat on my bed, leaning against my shoulder slightly.

"Oh?" I said. I had a book in hand- a sort of papery poetry and prose collection by the other angels- and was idly reading whatever seemed interesting.

It had been another week and I was feeling perfectly fine. Really- I was absolutely ready to get back outside and into Heaven. The knowledge of my freak out hadn't been forgotten, and maybe I was a bit wiser from it. Alright. There'd be a better time to mull the implications over sometime in the future, I was sure. Right now I was busy being absolutely fine.

But I had stayed in bed, much to my boredom. Sometimes Cassiel would come by, and she had been bringing me books and dinner most days. Dohn was back, alive, but he wasn't allowed to visit. I think the limit was so only the real esteemed angels could come by- meaning I was stuck with just Cassiel and Michael for company.

Michael. Well, he hadn't gotten much better at lying. Or upholding the image I had long held him in. He usually came in to sweet talk me into something- it never was really clear what he wanted- or to draw me something. I had him draw me flowers mostly, and they hung next to my bed. Sometimes he'd read me poetry or metaphor-filled stories, but only from the top of his head- his eyes only skimmed at the words in the books.

"What do you think I have in mind?" Michael teased, grinning impishly and taunting me with a finger.

"Something I'm not going to be enthusiastic about."

"You're not happy to do anything lately, Nichael. Once I get you up and running again, you'll be happy to do anything for me." He laughed.

"Let's hear it."

"Alright, so from what I've gathered you're still moping about here because some demon scared you a little. So I can't have you back in the army, obviously. I could put you back on farm work, but last time you were equally miserable and mopey about it. Normally I'd tell you to suck it up, but since you're so dear to me, I don't mind making an exception."


"So, I think I'll put you in charge of my babies."

"Your babies." I had forgotten about them.

"Yes! Uh, Malphea and... Hih. Those two. I already have Xixiel tending to them, but I'll put him back in the army. You take over. Your duties are just making sure they are fed, watered, clean and healthy for say, five more years. Then I'll pick you up and care for them myself."

"Pick me up? From where?"

"Oh, I have them in a little hut in the neighboring town. Can't have any of my angels getting bothered by them, after all. You'll do good in isolation, Nichael."

I wasn't offended by the prospect, to be honest, but it wasn't really something I wanted to do. But there was no arguing with Michael when he was excited. If he couldn't find a place for me in Heaven, he was going to have to kill me. That was much obvious.

"Alright." I said. "Am I right to presume I can start anytime?"

Michael didn't help me get out of bed, and I stumbled with a bit of head sickness to walk. I shook out my legs, and he watched as I got dressed.

"They're not your babies though, right?" I asked, as he lead me outside with a sort of sudden solemnness.

"Of course they are." He said quickly, looking around to make sure no one heard our conversation's subject.

"But only that you've taken them in, right? You didn't... conceive them?"

"They're my children."

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