I woke up in my bed with Luke's arms around me. He must have carried me in here. I rolled over to find him still asleep so I thought I would go make us something to eat. I stumbled out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. I climbed up the counter to get the pancake mix. I was standing until I heard snickering from Luke. "Morning baby girl." I smiled and grabbed my box and hopped down to kiss Lukes cheek. I made the pancakes and Luke and me ate them. I then went upstairs and decided to get dressed for the day. I put on a pair of black blue jean shorts and my city scape shirt I bought yesterday. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up in a knot bun then went downstairs not even bothering to put make up on. Luke was sitting on the couch so I came behind and wrapped my arms around his neck kissing his cheek. He smiled and motioned me to come sit on his lap. I climbed over the couch and climbed on him. He grabbed my butt to support me. I slowly leaned in connected my lips to his. I moved slow not sexual but cute. I pulled away and he kissed my forehead. I smiled and put my head into his neck. We stayed like that for a while until he spoke up. "Emily. Can I ask you something?" My heart dropped please don't ask it. "I saw your scars on your legs when we had sex and on your arms. I kept quiet about it for a while but now it really hurts so I wanna know." I frowned tears threatining to fall. "Hang on." I went upstairs to get the note. I dreaded this moment like it was my worst night mare. Now its all a reality. I stumbled to the drawer pulling the note holding it to my chest sobbing and my blade in the bag. I came and Luke patted the couch I sat down and showed him the letter and the blade. As he read the letter tears filled his eyes. "Who's michael?" I explained the whole thing and he hugged me. I felt better now that I opened up to Luke. I wanted to tell him but I bit my tongue. He kissed my scars and my head. I took them back upstairs and into my drawer. I smile knowing I'm safe now and happy with Luke and he will protect me from anything. I have no reason to kill my self now. I walked downstairs to Luke again. I cuddled with him and watched movies until dinner. "Baby what do you want for dinner?" "Do you wanna go out?" I nodded and went upstairs. I changed into my cat shirt and went to put my make up on. I put on my foundation, winged my eyeliner, and brushed on mascara. I braided my hair to the side and let Luke get ready. He brushed he teeth and fixed his hair. God he's so hot. I kissed him and smiled. We walked out and I grabbed the keys. I threw them to Luke who climbed in the car. His body is so toned. I slid in the seat and turned on my punk CD I made ages ago. My favorite song that Luke sang to me came on and I grinned at the memory.
Run baby run don't ever look back they'll tear us apart if you give them the chance. Don't sell your heart don't say we're not meant to be.
Luke held my hand as the song played because he knew this was our song. I loved him so much and I was happy he was finally mine. Why he was with someone as ugly as me I didn't know. I am not who you think I am sometimes. I am actually pretty scary when I'm mad because I have bad temper issues. I took anger management but that didn't help me at all. I also have anxiety which is not an easy disorder. Its like a black shadow that creeps over you and won't let go. You can't fight. You can't breath. All you can do is cry and sit there shaking violently and the slightest touch can make you worse. I looked over to Luke who licked his lip and focused on the road. We pulled up at this cute little hipster restaurant. We went in and got seated. I looked around and then back at Luke who was biting his lip and staring at his phone. I sat there tapping my fingers getting kinda upset that he would not pay attention to me. "Luke we have school tomorrow and I didn't do that home work. Shit." "Yeah okay." He totally ignored me. What the fuck is on that phone that is so interesting. So I got up and left. I scoffed and stood up. Luke chased after me but I kept walking what the fuck is his issue. Luke grabbed my wrist with a worried look on his face. "Princess what's wrong?" "What's wrong? Do you really have the nerve to ask that Lucas?" "I don't understand." He rubbed the back of his neck and I rolled my eyes. "You totally ignored me for your phone and unless its a family issue it shouldn't be more important than me." "Baby nothing is more important than you and I'm sorry I was a jerk back there its just my buddy Ashtons sister died so I was talking to him about it." Tears brimmed my eyes. I felt terrible. "Luke omg I'm so sorry I had no idea." I started shaking and tears streamed down my face. Fuck not now. "Baby?" "L-luke you sh-shouldnt t-touch me. Take me home please." He nodded guiding me to the car. My breathing got fast and I clenched my fist. We pulled in and I started crying. Luke pulled me out and carried me bridal style to the bedroom. I sat at the window rocking back and forth. Luke sat next to me and rubbed my back calmly. I finally calmed down jotting my eyes slowly around the room and pacing my breathing. "Emily what was that?" "Luke. I have anxiety. That was an attack. I'm so sorry and if you wanna leave I understand." "Baby girl your scars and imperfections and your disorder are so gorgeous because it shows your a fighter and they are your battle scars. You won't have to worry because I'll always be here. I'm not leaving you for anything. Now stay here I'm gonna go get you a surprise and pizza." I smiled kissing him and he got up. I layed on my bed and got my anxiety journal out recording the attack. Before I knew it Luke was back. "Baby girl I'm home down here." There in his arms was a rose and a huge teddy bear and pizza. I jumped in his arms. "I love you lukey." "I love you more baby." We ate pizza and cuddled on the couch while I snuggled my new teddy bear. Luke sang to me and I fell asleep in his arms.A/N
Sorry this sucks ass but I was in a hurry towards the end. Thank you for reading loves!.

Falling for you
FanfictionEmily was a quiet normal teenager and her best friend Jaeden was her savior but her crush Luke Hemmings is what she loved most about school. Does he like her back? What will happen? It all starts when Luke forgets his pencil ;)