Love and Loss

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It is good to love, it is good to lose. Loving gives you a sense of hope and faith, such as loving in God or Allah or Yahweh. Personnaly, I'm in love right now. I won't say "nothing special," because it is special. She is so perfect! She sings, she dances, she writes, she's beautiful and nothing is more perfect than her.

What I just said is how I feel about her. But why did I say that? How do you feel whenever you tell someone you love them? Is it a relative, a close friend, a "BAE?" I've noticed that people say that they love each other because they want the same thing, but sometimes you don't get it back.

Which brings me to the losing subject. It sucks ass when you lose something, right? I lost my phone last week, and I was going nuts. I think I even accused my brother of flushing it down the toilet XD! Whenever you lose something, it feels like you're missing a body part. Like, you just can't live without it, but it is sometimes good to lose things.

But why do we feel empty without our beloved possesion? I feel as if it might be because we love them. And in order to move on, we have to understand that we love and lose. It's just the laws of the universe ;).

(I know these last little bits haven't really made since but I was rushing. I might or might not change them.)

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