I was getting sick of this charade. I wanted to know what was going on. I mean, I'd smash the guard's faces, but I was curious. Who was behind all of this?
After endless corridors I reached my destination. (Imagine me saying that in a sat-nav voice) It was a magnificent throne room dominated by the most beautiful lady I'd ever seen. She was lounging on what was evidently her throne, feet casually slung over one of the arms.
The guards bowed and one of them forced me to my knees. I scowled but didn't resist.
"Aah, this is her?"
The queen's voice was soft and silky with a purr behind it that made me think of a satisfied cat.
"Yeah, it is I" I snarled, "The girl you kidnapped!" I tried to put as much sting as possible behind the words.
"Oh darling!" She laughed like a babbling brook. Dam, even her laugh was perfect. I wistfully thought about ruining that pretty little face of hers. #newlifegoals
"You haven't been kidnapped!" She smiled.
"No, I'm just being held against my will," I paused, "Oh wait - that is kidnapping!"
She laughed again, "Oh dear, it seems as if though we have got off on the wrong foot. Kiki," she snapped her fingers, "escort Miss..." She looked at me questioningly.
"Cavalier," I snapped, "Like the pony!" I mentally face palmed. Note to self: Think of better comebacks.
"Right," she said, looking amused, "Kiki, escort Miss Cavelier to her room."
"Room?"I shook my head. " I am so not staying here!"
A steely look came into the queen's eyes, "It is late and I am am sure you wish to refresh yourself before dinner. Now go!"
I was too tired to fight back. Kiki, a girl with spiky green hair and thick eyeliner stepped forward.
"Follow me."
I did, and was led down many halls until I found myself in a room with a four poster bed and ensuite. The carpet was luxurious and I wanted to take off my shoes and feel it, but I wasn't sure if that would really help my badass appearance.
Kiki opened a huge wardrobe and pulled out a dress. It was green and cut straight down.
Kiki smiled, "To match your eyes," she said, "You must wear it to dinner. A gong will sound at 7"
OK - two questions here
a. How did they know what colour my eyes were
b. Why do I have to wear a Goddam dress?She left before I could express my outrage. I shrugged off my jacket and flopped on the bed. I only had half an hour before dinner. It was obviously a fancy affair.
I looked in the wardrobe and checked out the other clothes there. The rest I liked. Tight jeans, a variety of tank tops and a truly awesome new leather jacket. There were a few more formal dresses and some flouncy summer affairs. Different shoes. Killer black high heeled boots, delicate stilettos to go with my dress and running shoes. Some pumps and another pair of combat boots.
I took a peek at the bathroom and there was even more stuff there. Makeup and hair stylers, even a new toothbrush. Also a full on jacuzzi.
Maybe I could get used to this.
I decided to get ready for dinner. Cursing, I wrestled with the dress until it slipped over my head. A perfect fit. Of course.
I yanked a brush through my hair then scowling tried to pin it up into an up-do. I shoved pins in my hair to make it stay and then gave it some hairspray for good measure.

The Mirror Maze
AdventureWhen Iris Cavelier is snatched from a coffee shop in broad daylight she is forced to make a choice. Help her kidnappers or Risk losing her brother forever. Which would you pick? In the magic riddled world Iris lives in there is only one rule. B...