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So if y'all are reading this thank you. I'm not actually American I am Canadian who's obsessed with saying y'all.

I'm also somewhat a lesbian. I went from straight to bi, to pan, to panaromantic poly, to gayish, to lesbian. And I still don't know for sure what I am really.

(Y/N) Your Name

(L/N) Last Name

(E/C) Eye Colour

(H/L) Hair Length

(H/C) Hair Colour

(Y/S) Your Sexuality

Enjoy this fluff!!



I didn't know what to do with myself.

Mum and dad kicked me out after I told them I was (Y/S).

"No daughter of mine will be a... (Y/S)." Mum had said with such hate in her voice. That stung.

Dad just yelled about how it's "unnatural" and how I'm going to hell. Oh no. What will I ever do with all those other gay girls.

I wouldn't have cared as much if they hadn't kicked me out onto the streets. It was kind of cold. Like... Really cold. At least I had a coat.

I walked along alleys and backstreets, if I got mugged it would be fine, it wasn't like I had a life.

"CRAP I forgot all my fandom stuff at the house. Meh... I'll break in later and get it. I need a place to live first. Where am I anyways? I don't really care actually." I said out loud.

I was now in an alley that was only lit by one little light. I decided I would sleep there. I had gotten comfy and tried to sleep when I was awoken by footsteps. I grabbed a sharp piece of scrap metal at my side and tried to hide a bit.

A man appeared in the alley. He looked like a normal bloke, he had a moustache, a beard, and very long hair, he kind of looked like Jack Sparrow. I didn't feel as much of a need to worry. But I was still wary. He suddenly looked directly at me, kind of creepy.

"Hey there." He said with a flirtatious smile. "Um..."

"Shh... Don't talk darling." He said, walking over and placing a finger over my lips. I pushed his hand away. "I'm gay." I said quickly.

His face turned into a twisted smile. "I don't want to have sex with you hunny. I want something else." He lunged at me, sharp teeth came out of his gums and without thinking I swung the metal at him, taking his head off with one blow.

I froze in shock at what I had just done. I had just killed a... Thing. I had taken it's head right off. Suddenly there were fast footsteps coming towards me. A very attractive red head appeared. "I-I swear it was just self defense it just launched itself at me!!" I explained.

"It's okay. You did good, that was a vamp, have you ever killed anything before?" She asked, holding out her hand to help me up.

"No, that was my first time." I replied, taking her hand. She pulled me up and I fell into her, our faces were just an inch apart.

"What was a beautiful girl like you doing in an alley like this anyways?" She asked me with a smirk.

I blushed and paused before answering. "My parents kicked me out because I told them I was (Y/S)." I answered quietly.

Her eyes filled with anger, sadness, and then something I didn't know.

"Come live with me then. I travel and hunt monsters, but I'll always protect you if you join me." She said.

"I'd love to." I whispered.

I realized that her arms were around me and mine around hers. I looked into her eyes and we stayed like that, not breaking eye contact until I took a glance at her beautiful lips.

She smirked again and leaned in to connect our lips.

They moved together in perfect sync, and fit together like puzzle pieces. It was passionate and filled with lust, she licked my bottom lip to ask for entrance which I gladly allowed. She pushed me up against the wall, deepening the kiss.

We regrettably broke apart for air.

"One more question." She said.

"What's your name?"


Ai so you likey? I based the vamp off Johnny Depp.

Because why not?

Au revoir

Charlie Bradbury x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now