Chapter 6
Xox Victoria’s Point of view xoX
“What’s for dinner?” Harry asked as he came into the room
“Nandos!” Niall and I chanted at the same time.
“Yeah, buddy,” Niall yelled as we high-fived. “Race you there”
“Loser buys lunch!” I screamed as I ran out of my room to the door. I grabbed my phone and ran out. Luckily the cab was going past so I ran straight to it and closed the door. I told him where to go and as we were driving away I saw Niall chasing the cab, so I smiled and waved as he got into his car. I reached into my phone case and grabbed out a hundred dollar note and gave it to the driver.
“Keep the change” I said him as he pulled up to the front of Nandos. I smiled at him and the walked to Nandos.
I bet Niall by a good 5 mins so I grabbed us a table and ordered the usual for us. Niall got the peri-peri chicken with 3 large fries, a glass of coke and one of those freaky wrap things. I ordered mine; a salad wrap and water. I normally steal a couple of is chips though ^. ^
I sat at our table and pulled out my phone. I checked out twitter and Liam had tweeted that Niall and I went out to lunch so of course, #Nictoria was trending. Stupid fans. No doubt they would be here in about 10 mins max.
Xox Niall’s Point of View xoX
I jumped into my car and pretended to hurry until she was out of sight. I hopped out of the car and ran back into the house. The boys all stared at me as I sat down.
“Has anyone noticed how wired Vic has been acting lately? I asked and all the boys’ faces softened. Zayn nodded and spoke up.
“It’s like she is afraid of her own shadow. It’s not normal. Maybe we should call someone to hell-“ Zayn was cut off by Liam.
“No. I lost her once. It was my fault and I know it. But I will not lose her again. She will be fine. She just needs some help. Let just hope she doesn’t hallucinate again.” He mumbled as he walked away dismissing the meeting. I walked back out to my car and drove to Nandos.
Xox Victoria’s Point Of View xoX
“I already ordered! I got your usual.”
“What did you get? If it’s a medium salad and water get more or else.” He said giving me a very dirty look
“I didn’t order a medium salad and water.” I said and he smiled. “What did you get then?”
“Small salad and water.” I stated giving him a death glare. He was about to say something but I cut him off.
“No lecture today. I’m not in the mood.” He muttered something under his breath but let it go. We enjoyed our meals and he made me have some chicken.
Chapter 6
Xox Victoria’s Point of view xoX
“What’s for dinner?” Harry asked as he came into the room
“Nandos!” Niall and I chanted at the same time.
“Yeah, buddy,” Niall yelled as we high-fived. “Race you there”
“Loser buys lunch!” I screamed as I ran out of my room to the door. I grabbed my phone and ran out. Luckily the cab was going past so I ran straight to it and closed the door. I told him where to go and as we were driving away I saw Niall chasing the cab, so I smiled and waved as he got into his car. I reached into my phone case and grabbed out a hundred dollar note and gave it to the driver.