The beast tried his best not to kill Gaston. How ever Gaston was planning on killing him. The beast bit Gaston and Gaston had a rage look on his face.
As Gaston tried and stab the beast and he slipped. But beast caught him and helped him up. "No beast!!" Belle cried. Gaston was quiet surprised the beast spare his life. But Gaston, his cold heart self, stabbed the beasted and kicked him off the roof.
The beast grabbed on to the edge and slowly slipping because the rain. "Noo Beast! Gaston please!" Belle pleaded. Gaston laughed and tried to step on the beast hand. But he slipped and fell off the edge. "Noooo!!" He screamed as he fell.
Belle saved the beast. She smiled and stared into his eyes. "Why did you come back?" The beast asked. "Because, i couldn't let Gaston kill you. Because. Because... I love you." She smiled. He smiled back. "I love you too." The beast smiled and leaned closer to her. But by the time their lips were one inch apart, the last petal finally fell. Something happened, but they kissed.
"Arrrghh!!!" He growled. "Beast a-are you okay?" She asked. "Why isn't it fading!!" He yelled. He expected to turn back to the beautiful prince he was inside, but because the kiss was delayed the spelled turn a bit differently.
"W-what are you saying beast? Look at me?!" She cried. He pushed her a bit. He growled in pain. "Grrrr!!!! Aaarrrgggghh!!! Ahhhhh!!" His screeches was an awful sound. "Beast!" Belle yelled.
Beast lighten up. Only half was brighten up with a light. Instead of the pretty blue color and fireworks, it was blue and red. He fell and belle ran up to him. She saw the half of his face. Prince, a beautiful prince.
"Beast?" She asked touching his side of his cheek. The other side was covered up by a blanket. He started to growl. He got up and the blanket fell. He turned and look at her with blood shot eyes with one eye and pain and worry in the other side. Separated the middle was a badly burnt skin.
"Beast!! What is wrong?!" She asked. He growled and yelled. Again it was a painful sight. "Belle!" He managed to cry out. But he shook his head and looked at Belle hungrily. She looked confused but the beast drooled. Yes she was creep out.
He took a step forwards to Belle and belle took a step back. Suddenly he ran towards her, ripping her neck and chewed on it. He stuck his claw into her stomach grabbing her guts and eating it. He ripped out her head and ate it. Ripped the body in halves and shove it into his mouth.
She tasted so good, blood paints his face and mostly his mouth. His mouth had guts and her vain hanging out. He licked his lips and smirked.
He shook his head again and snapped back to reality. "Belle?" He asked. He looked on his hands and smacked his lips. "W-who's blood is painted on my face? Where is belle?!" He asked.
The grandmother teapot came around corner. She was half teapot and half human. Lumière came out and looked at the beast in fear. Lumièrewas made of wax, his hair was on fire and slowly melting his head. His skull could be seen. And his hands was burnt. "S-sire you a-ate her.." He muttered loudly. "What?! That cannot be! Why did the spell did not work correctly?!" He asked. "S-sire.. Your petals seem to have all fallen.. She kissed you after the last fell.." Mrs Pott explained. The beast looked at his hands.
He couldn't and wouldn't stand to look at himself or speak to anyone. He cried and step on the edge. "Sire?!" She yelled. "I cannot live without belle. I had become a monster.. I cannot live knowing I've killed my true love. My only love, the only one who understood me. Who loved me for me, how can i live with this despair? How can i live at all?" He cried. Before turning back to a monster, well cannibal or something worst. He jumped.
"Sirreee!!!" They yelled for him. There a loud thud at the bottom of the pit and a smoke of cloud. He landed face plant onto the floor next to Gaston's dislocated body. Beast blood combine to his and Gaston stood up.
He grew wings, he was a griffin like creature. He flew up and looked at a near by puddle. He touched his face and he looked hideous. His face all dislocated, bloody he looked scary even to himself, he looked like a monster. Looks like his true form finally showed up. He growled and laughed. He felt like going mad. He looked at the human like organs and was a bit scared.
He flew into a cave faraway.. No one had seen him since. They found glimpses of him but the ones who did was killed. Some are lucky to see him and live. He is a legend in the mountain. You could sometimes hear him screaming and crying. He was now known as the hideous beast.

Twisted Charaters
Randomtwisted character ! Read through all and tell me how you like it. Give me some things I could make a story on, Thanks!! Enjoy!