That's all I see right now, just-pure-white. With my eyes squinting, I walked forward trying to find some sort of escape. As I kept walking I saw stairs, crystal stairs, I frown with curiosity and walk slowly up the crystal steps. When I got to the top of the crystal stairs, I saw a door, a door made out of wood, with vines and flowers colliding together making a beautiful design. When I reach for the door handle, a middle aged women appeared in front of me with a clipboard in hand.
"Louis, Louis Tomlinson?" She asked with a warm smile.
"-T-That would be me." I said in a small voice, unsure of what her intentions were.
"I'm Jane, Come with me." She said opening the door and takin my hands, a wave of peace coursing through me. Strange.
As we entered the long hallway, I follow Jane, but then something caught my attention, there were wings placed inside an accurate sized transparent glass case on the wall with a little plaque underneath each one, it kept going till the end of the the hallway I was so focused on the wing display around me I didn't see Jane stop, causing me to bump into her, making me apologize like 10 times in a row.
"It's okay, follow me so you can evaluate your life and get you going." She said and it all clicked.
The Heist. The shot.
I'm dead.
"Am I... Dead?" It sounded better in my head.
"Yes, you are." She said turning to face me.
"Wait, if I'm dead, then this must be He-" I analyzed but got cut off.
"Heaven? yes you are in Heaven." She said in a more serious tone. Like she has said or rehearsed this far to many times.
"So if I'm already dead, and I'm here..., why do you have to evaluate my life?" I asked. Curiosity killing the cat. But I'm dead so.
"Because we have to see where you really belong, up here or down there." She said and my eyes widen. No no no, I can't be dead, what about nan! She needs me.
"But can't I go back to earth? I mean, I have been good." I said getting desperate now.
"It doesn't work that way Louis, you can't go back, your dead." She said smiling tightly.
"Please! Can I talk to someone who can? I mean I need to take care of my nan, she must be worried sick about me! Please I can't leave her down there alone!" I exclaim, and Jane was no longer smiling.
"No! You will come with me, get evaluated and move on!" She exclaimed back. Making me me huff out.
"I won't go with you! I'm staying here and finding a way back down by myself." I said crossing my arms over my chest.
Before she could speak, a blinding blue light appeared. Making me cover my eyes at the sudden brightness. As the bright blue light faded away, a man stood before us, tall, heavenly sculpted face, dark blue eyes, brown hair. God, Jesus have mercy.
"Tomlinson?" He's said with a deep voice and I slowly raise my hand, lost of words. "Would you be so kind in accompanying me for a few minutes?" I immediately nod my head and walked over to him. "Let's go shall we." He said, placing his middle and index finger on my forehead. Making everything around me black.

Under Your Wings| L.S au
Fanfiction"Never Run Faster Than Your Guardian Angels Can Fly." When Louis gets shot in a heist, he goes to heaven. He makes a deal with the Archangel Gabriel, to go back to earth, But the Archangel Gabriel had one condition for his return. •He had to turn a...