The begining

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This whole story is based on two fan fictions some terms are associated with them and you may get confused if you have not read the books but they will be explained , also this book is not a part of ether of them series but is a fan fiction about the two.

Disclaimer - i do not own any of the original story lines and book terminology such as the legacies , the waves and other specific terminology associated to the book , some characters i did make up others i do not own - that credit should go to the authors of the 5th wave and the I am number four book series

Prologue :

In the beginning i belonged to thriving race of aliens called the loric from Lorien (don't worry we were peaceful) for century's the loric came down to earth and helped advance technology and medicine and then as usual we left , except this time we didn't.

The only reason we stayed was because my home planet was destroyed by an army of savage, merciless and barbaric aliens known to us as the Mogadorians and as the others to the humans. They attacked my planet with force of 5 human army's (North Korea, USA , UK , China and russia sized army) and killed every one with such efficiency despite the valiant effort of the gard (the people of our race bestowed with powers) to stop them.  Some loric escaped from the planet as well but not a lot and they were all children.

I was 5 when me and my cêpan (our gardens and teachers) arrived , his name was David and mine changed in every state and country we went - I was Bob in Los Angeles and Sam in New York etc... - as we were all ways on the run from the others , any way David's dead now killed in the 3rd wave like thousand of humans. When we arrived were moved into a loric safe zone in Britain in a suburban area of London known as cheam.

From cheam we moved to Wimbledon then up to leads and from there we traveled to America and moved into a spacious 2 bed bungalow in Florida  but my favour place is still cheam I lived there until I was 11 , its were I developed my first legacy.

My first legacy was the power of flight I discover it by accident in school when I was dared to jump of our single story maths block , when I jumped I never felt my legs hit the ground and when I looked I was just floating in the air with most of the school staring at me , that's was the sign that we had to leave.

My second legacy (apart from telekinesis which always comes after the first legacy) came when I was in Wimbledon and I was playing tennis with my coach , all of a sudden I felt my muscles tighten and expand then I hit the ball with such power it whizzed past the coach and landed 10 miles away. We left straight away.

My third legacy devolved a little less obvious then the rest , I was feeding the ducks at the local lake in leads when I could swear I could hear them talk back. I tried to talk to other animals and they all talked back too (I felt like a real life doctor Doolittle) I started to explain this to David when a local journalists heard me and wrote a story about me and my abilities. We bored the plane for America the next day.

From there we moved to New York , Florida and Los Angeles before before I noticed any new legacies . we were in Los Angeles when my cêpan was nearly hit by a car  , I just appeared in front of him and disappeared  with him , David later told me I had devolved teleportation (kinda useless considered my flight legacy but I enjoyed both equally as much)

We were in Ohio when the 1st wave began , planes were falling out of the sky and all our computers and light just turned of and wouldn't turn back on. (Some how my loric communication device still worked) we moved to Montana a month later as we heard the water coming from the second wave due to a new legacy , my advanced hearing, it saved us.

The 3rd wave was a shock to us all , people dying every were and every one rushed to camps and hospitals, it was know use the virus was like Ebola on steroids and spread like the common cold , only those naturally immune survived and unfortunately david was not one of them.

And this is were my story begins...

The fight for survival (a 5th wave and I am number four fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now