Chapter 1

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Currently I am in a place called camp ashpit , I arrived here when the military's arrived in these bright yellow busses , I assumed they were school busses , and drove everyone under the age of 16 to multiple encampments to pick more people under 16 and finally we arrived at this place.

I don't know how the busses work when everything else technical was shut down in the 1st wave , they must of stored theses busses deep underground away from the reach of the electromagnetic pulse the shut the earth down. If anyone else was suspicion they didn't show it.

In the camp there was a massive hut in the centre of the camp witch looked like it was once a make shift hospital for the victims of the 3rd wave but now it lay emptied apart form the blood stains on the floor on walls. In the corner of the camp there was a hudge ashpit full of the bodies of those who did hit make it through wave 3.

When we arrived the population of the camp swarmed out of the hut to surround the bus , many of them shouting about being saved others were waving guns in the air and firing warning shots towards us - I don't know why these people think children would be a threat but the soldier on the bus manages to calm down the make shift leader of the group and guid us of the bus to relax for a few hours until we make the trip to the last remaining fully functional military base.

As the children leave the bus the majority take shelter from the sun in the derelict hut while the older ones sit in silence around a campfire that was extinguished the day before. Around me I see the faces of scared people , some in rags and ripped clothes overs in clothes that no longer fit and some (like me) in clothes that are just dirty.
Most people also arrived without family's apart form one girl with blonde hair - I think her name was Cassie - she had her brother and her dad with her , I felt angry at her I don't know why maybe because my family died on a planet far far away fight the same aliens and my cêpan also died due to them aliens but somehow the majority of her family survived , I guess it just the luck of the draw.

After siting in silence for what felt like an eternity the soldier orders everyone under 16 onto the busses , when the final few people board a Argument revolts between Cassie and then soldier . The soldier lets he brother on bored but not Cassie even though she's only 16 - but I assume it because  there are only limited amounts of room on the busses.

As we drive of a tremendous amount of heat hits the back of the bus and we are launched forward. Camp ashpit just exploded.

The fight for survival (a 5th wave and I am number four fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now