Moving Day

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I packed my bag. I didn't want to leave. Sure I dislike school.. That doesn't mean I hate it. Sureeee I'm not popular, but I do have friends. "RACHELLLL" mom called, disturbing my thoughts. "Honey!! The truck is ready to leave!!" Oh no. I thought to myself. Oh no. Oh no. I went into a mad dash. Packing all of my things. I ran down the stairs. Followed mom and got in the truck. The moving van In front of us started moving. I looked back. That house. That house. That house has always been mine. I can't even imagine another family living in it. It's just. I don't know😣. It's hard, ok? Well on the bright side.. My best friend Lily is moving with me😊

Ok haha Ik this chapter is shortttt. It's also borriinngggg it's getting more exciting. Trust meh. -Ali aka Alison😉

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2015 ⏰

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