"Take a seat Amber." Bowser tells her, Amber slowly makes her way to the table and sits down. Bowser smiles as he walks around and stands behind her.
"Bowser, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Don't play stupid, you know what you fucking did." Bowser says as he spits at her.
"Amber, what the fucks going on?" Akira anxiously asks as she looks at the two men.
"It's just some...misunderstanding." Amber chuckles as she glances Akira.
"Oh no, don't you fucking play stupid with me bitch. You took away my client from me!" Bowser screams at her, startling Amber and Sarah.
Emanuel and Brian suddenly walk into the room and see what's going on. For a moment everyone freezes, the bulkier man behind Bowser aims his gun at the two. "Sit down. Both of you." The man orders them, they both nod their heads and sit.
"Joker, make sure those two don't move." Bowser says as he looks back at him. Joker nods his head and keeps his attention on them.
"You know what we came for and your gonna give it to us." Bowser says as he stands even closer to Amber.
Amber scoffs as she smirks up at him, "You know what'll happen when the boss finds out about this. He'll have your head on a fucking plate by noon."
Bowser grabs the back of her head and slams her face down on the table. Bowser leans in close to her ear, "You know my father doesn't scare me." Bowser hoarsely whispers in her ear.
They all suddenly hear Gary screaming from the laundry room. Amber and Emanuel's eyes widen in fear when they hear the pain in his screams.
"What are you doing to him!?" Emanuel shouts as he looks in the direction of the laundry room. Bowser smirks as he looks back at Emanuel.
"Handsome Joe is...making a bitch outta your friend." Bowser slyly says as he evilly grins. Emanuel frowns in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
Ambers realizes what he's talking about, "Leave him alone!" Amber screams as she pushes herself up, shoving Bowser back into the window. He laughs as he grabs her by the face and throws her back into the table.
"I'll tell Joe to stop once you give us what we came here for." Bowser says as he stands closer to Amber.
"Amber! Just give them what they want! Please!" Emanuel pleads as he continues to hear Gary's screams.
Bowser shakes his head as he walks around the table and stands by Sarah. "You wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your friends would you?" Bowser curiously asks as he holds the gun to Sarah's head.
Sarah's eyes begin to water up as she feels the tip of the handgun touch her temple.
"If you don't give me an answer in 5 seconds...I'll splatter her brains all over the fucking wall." Bowser threatens Amber as he cocks the gun. Sarah closes her eyes as she takes a deep breath, Akira stares daggers at Amber.
"Please don't hurt my friends. I'll tell you whatever you want, just let them go." Amber says as she sits down.
Bowser chuckles as he shakes his head, "That was 5 seconds and you didn't give me the answer I wanted."
Sarah and Amber's eyes widen in fear, "Wait-!!" Amber screams as she reaches out to stop Bowser, but he pulls the trigger and shoots her. Blood splatters all over the wall and Akira. Akira screams in horror as she begins wiping off the blood from her face and clothes.
Amber stands there still reaching out, frozen in shock. Sarah's body drops to the the ground next to the chair she was sitting in. Brian pukes on the floor, Joker gags as he sees the green puke. Emanuel stares at Sarah's body on the ground, a pool of blood forming around her head.

Living Color
ParanormalSix teenagers will be put in different situations and try to survive. Think of it as a video game. Each time they die, they wait until the next round to come back alive. The only way for it to stop is if at least more than 3 of the characters surviv...