chapter 1

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I stopped outside the little cafe for only a moment. I looked through the window and saw the people looking at their phones or laptops. I know that I’ll have to face these people eventually. Now or never I guess. As i walk through the door I notice two things. One being that everyone in here is trying to stare at me without being obvious and second that most of them had googly eyes.

I ordered hurriedly. obviously the barista doesn’t care that I just want to sit down and not have anything to worry about at least for awhile. I feel like i'm the center of attention. The walls are closing in and I know that soon I’ll pass out.

“One Hot chocolate.” I ordered with a whisper.

    "We don't sell hot chocolate here." I’m surprised he even heard me. I finally take that as an excuse to look at the barista he had purple streaks in his blue-black hair and his eyes were kind but uncaring.

    "Fine. Give me the special then." his nametag reads Andy. I’ll need to remember that. Andy smiles at me. I notice something about andy then, that his teeth are strikingly white. That makes it so that I can’t help to smile back.

I can feel the eyes of everyone in the cafe looking at me. My back feels hot with the fire from their stares. Andy is the slowest human being ever.

After waiting for what seemed like hours I got my drink and was able to find a spot to sit down. A small nook by the window. I notice that the younger couple in the corner are having an argument while the older couple are looking at each other lovingly. A lifetime of secrets and stolen moments. My thoughts stopped when he walked in. I let out an involuntary gasp. I made sure that no one heard me before I looked at him again.

    I knew everything would be different now. I looked at him, I admit it I was staring at him. He was perfect, exactly what I needed. I studied his long muscular arms, the curve of his back, and his strong legs. Athletic, perfect. I tried to study him without being obvious. It was obvious that it wasn’t working.

    I could feel the eyes of everyone in the café. First they heard me order hot chocolate, then the barista tell me they didn't have that, only coffee. Now I'm staring at this random guy. Who isn't even the best looking. Way to not make a fool of yourself Mai.

    I couldn't see his eyes to be sure. He must have felt me staring at him, because he turned and looked straight at me. I was sure right then when I looked into his, grey eyes, I knew he was the one. He surprised me though, he smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile as well because, that one look was all it took for me to know that he was the one. Nothing else mattered anymore because I knew something in that moment. I knew that he would be the first man I would kill.

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