The second I heard Connors voice on the other end my heart beat soared through the roof.
"Hi Connor, it's -"
"Kelly? Where have you been?" He interrupted, his tone hinting at annoyance. "I tried calling you last night."
"Yeah," I mumbled, tugging at my sleeve as I tried to apologize. "My phone died. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner."
"Well where'd you go?" He demanded, "Cassie said you never came home."
"I was out." I answered sharply. "I wasn't aware you needed a copy of my schedule."
"Kelly." He said hesitantly – clearly picking up on my nerves. "I'm sorry. I just kept thinking how if you were out hurt somewhere it would be my fault."
I scoffed, rolling my eyes as the embarrassing memories from the day before came rushing back to me. "Don't flatter yourself too much James. I went out to help a good friend of mine who's going through a break up."
The line went quiet for a couple seconds; "okay, fair enough. Can I make it up to you somehow anyways?"
"Fine." I sighed, clicking through my schedule as I skimmed over it. "Brian – Cassie's boyfriend – is coming over for dinner tonight. You're welcome to join too."
"Great!" Connor exclaimed excitedly. "I'll see you tonight then. It's a date."
I tried not to think too much into his choice of words as I rattled off the night's details. Date; it was just a word people used – a way to confirm plans. I couldn't let such stupid things get to my head.
Groaning, I ran my hands through my messy hair, hanging up the phone with a little more force then necessary. The day had barely begun and already my head was pounding.
I laid my head on my desk and closed my eyes, everything just needed to go away.
I woke up from Tracy knocking on my office door. "Kelly?" She called. "Mr. Hamilton is wondering when you're going to stop by his office..."
I shot my head up. My brown hair flying around me as I stared up at my assistant through the half open glass door. How could I forget? How could I fall asleep?
I stumbled out of my chair and ripped my office door fully open. "Is he angry?"
A startled looking Tracy shook her head. "No, uh... I don't think so. Maybe run now?"
I nodded, grabbing the file that Tracy was holding and racing down the hall.
The rest of the day couldn't have gone by any slower. I had spent two hours stressing over the meeting I had had with Mr. Hamilton, and while he remained fairly detached as he skimmed over the report I had prepared, he did give me an over-all positive review. Still, despite the words of encouragement I still found myself overthinking every little detail hours later as I thought them over at my desk.
Finally, at around ten to six, Josh stuck his head in through my office door. "Ready to go?" he asked. "Want to get your car?"
I nodded as I started to clear my desk up; locking the important files away in my desks drawer. "Thanks for this," I mumbled, grabbing my purse from beside me. "You really didn't have to do this."
Josh waved my comment away, grabbing my bag from me as we made our way down towards the car-park. "Don't even mention it K."
Hearing his nickname for me made me smile. K; it was so simple, and I prayed that we could find that simplicity again and that the night before wouldn't ruin our chances at a healthy friendship. I didn't know what I would do without Josh in my life.
The drive to the bar was a silent one. Although, I kept trying to think of things to say, my brain just couldn't come up with words that would suffice. There needed to be a rule book for this type of situation. A Hookups for Dummies.
Moments later, I saw Denny's come into view, the blue sign flashing as people made their way's inside for the happy hour rush. "Thanks again Josh." I muttered, pushing the car door open. "See you tomorrow."
Josh saluted jokingly, a smile taking over his face as he waited for me to get inside so he could drive off. Ever the gentleman.
The place was buzzing when I walked in, plenty of overtired business men winding down after a long day of work. It was strange to think that these tipsy idiots were Americas finest.
"Hey." I said, awkwardly making my way over to the busy counter, pushing my way through two drinkers. "Place looks busy."
The bartender from last night looked up at me, his forgotten name bouncing around in my hungover brain. It was Alex, or maybe Andrew. "Well look who it is." Alex/Andrew mused. Leaning against the counter that separated us. "To be honest, I figured you would be home sick today, but clearly you're back for round two. Color me impressed."
I laughed humorlessly as I placed my hands before me; "actually, I'm here for my keys. Rumor has it they were confiscated."
Alex/Andrew laughed before bending down; coming back up seconds later with my keys dangling from his fingers. Gratefully, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, at the sight of my familiar keychain - the silver 'K' from my father hanging proudly from the ring.
I grab the keys from his fingers, quickly inspecting them to make sure they were all still there. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. "You're a life saver!"
The bartender took a small bow, a smirk playing on his pink lips. "Quite literally – don't drink and drive."
I chuckle, thanking him for the friendly words of advice before leaving the bar and making my way across the parking lot towards my car. I slipped into the five seater and brought the vehicle to life; peeking a look at the time that flashed on.
I had less than an hour to get back to my apartment and get ready for – what was bound to be – a dinner from hell. Groaning I leaned back into my seat, how was I supposed to get both myself and my share of the food ready all in time?
I switched the gears to reverse and raced home, stumbling through the apartment complex and finally through my front door minutes later. Immediately I could smell Cassie's garlic bread that sat baking in the oven.
"Nice of you to show up." She mused, strolling into view. I looked over at a pissed Cassie, her hair tied up in a messy bun and her makeup free face sporting a frown.
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry Cas! I know I said I would be here earlier, I just got held up!"
Cassie rolled her eyes but quickly waved her nerves away with a quick flick of her wrist. "It's fine, it happens. Just go get ready quickly, I'll get started on your pasta!"
I thank my best friend profusely before running down the hall and doing just as she instructed. Thanking the one above for introducing me to this angel all that time ago.
I tried to shower as quickly as possible; leaving myself just enough time to whip out a blow dryer and attempt to tame the wild beast that doubled as my hair without all the hassle of an iron. Then I swiped on some concealer and eye-makeup, slipped on a blouse and jeans and relieved Cassie of her kitchen duties.
Fifteen minutes later Cassie appeared in the kitchen in a short white romper. Her hair was styled into a wave and her perfectly polished toes were peeking out of her favorite sandals.
Then ten minutes after that Brian arrived, his signature smirk tugging at his lips and a bottle of wine resting in his hand; and finally three minutes after that – exactly on time – Connor peeked his head through the door.
"Hey! Knock, knock." He called, banging on the door lightly.
I smiled over at Connor and motioned for him to come in further. "Just shut the door behind you!"
Minutes later we were all seated around the food covered kitchen table silently eating. I could feel Connors eyes on my head as he sat across from me, but this meal was not meant for arguing and confrontation and I by no means wanted to re-live yesterday's humiliation, so instead of staring back I kept my head down and my face in my food.
"So I've been thinking." It was Brian who finally, thankfully, broke the silence. "We should play truth or dare."
Cassie looked over at her boyfriend. "Are we twelve?"
Brian rolled his eyes, not even sparing her a glance. "No we're not twelve Cassie. But sitting in awkward silence with these two is definitely worse than playing a childish party game."
Cassie stared at him for another couple seconds, her eyes wide in disbelief, before flipping her hair over her shoulder and looking right at me "Fine, Kelly, truth or dare?"
from my bag0I