This is chapter 3 :)
Not much else to say, so enjoy and please vote it would mean so much to get one :))
(Ignore the tattoo on the girls back in the picture, Caitlyn does not have one of those :)
Caityln:I woke up the next day, in a really really good mood. Which is rare on a school day !
School!...oh no, im late again. I ran around my house trying to get ready and then rushed to school when i looked decent. Shit! Shit! Shit!
When i ran to my classroom, i forgot to slow down when i approached the door and i ran straight in, which caused a lot of people to laugh at me. I turned a deep shade of red as i bowed my head in embarresment. But luckily miss frant must of noticed my look as she didnt question me as to why i was late to class.
Miss frant was a small 56 year old women who had a look in her eyes as if she had been hurt or abondened which always caused me to feel sorry for her, But she always made sure that we were all happy which made me like her even more.
I looked around the crowded classroom for a seat. When i spotted one my mouth dropped open as i saw who it was next to, i was tempted to run out of the classroom and leave the school forever. But everyones eyes caused me to feel self conscious so i slowly made my way to the seat that was at the back of the room. His cocky grin smiled at me as he watched me make my way to him.
I approached the seat and quickly sat down before getting my books out my backpack. I glanced over at the man-whore who sat next to me. Surprised to find him looking at me already, i felt my cheeks start to heat up , What, i should not be blushing. I quickly pulled my face away from his.
"Sooo Cat" He smirked "Wanna come over tonight " He winked at me when i turned to face him, my face dropping leaving a blank expression on my face. I stared into his eyes, anger rising causing me to slightly tremble, I cant believe I blushed, why am i such an idiot!
"Cattttt" he laughed whilst waving a hand in front of my face. I pushed his hand away, more pissed of than ever. "so do you?" He grinned his cocky smile.
"Do I want to come round" I whisper screamed. " Your joking...Do, I want to come around" i stuttered the words as i couldn't quite believe he actually asked me come around his house for what i assume was for 'fun'. Of course i should of believed it, it was Tom Bright at the end of the day, the biggest Man-whore around.
"Yeh, so i take that as a yes." He said smugly, but before i could reply or hit him, The bell rang , and he stood up and walked right out of sight,What an idiot im not going to his house and i am most certainly not sleeping with him!!
The rest of the day went slowly as I was being consumed by Toms question, But why was i so upset about it, i knew he slept with every girl he could get his grimy hands on. So why was i shocked by his question?
The bell rang which signified the end of the school day. I couldnt help but smile to myself knowing that i could finally go home, after a long day of confusion.
But when i walked to my car i saw someone leaning against it, whilst playing on their phone, their hair slightly covering their face as their tongue pocked out, with a look of concentration on. I coughed causing the face to snap up and smile at me.
"Heyy, i was worried you wouldnt come" he said as his arm snaked its way around my waist,suddenly feeling uncomfortable i tried to pull away, but he resisted by pulling me close to his chest. My breath hitched as i felt his breath trail along my cheeks.
Toms :
Her breath stopped as i pulled her tightly to my chest. Her eyes looking into mine fearfully, why was she so afraid of me, Why was she so intent on hating me forever. I searched her eyes looking for any traces of lust towards me. Her eyes slowly glanced down at my lips, causing my heart to beat quickly as I traced her jaw with my eyes. I slowly leaned in, my lips inches away from hers, I tried to see whether she was about to pull away, but she showed no resistance to my plan to kiss her. I closed the inches between us. My heart started beating quicker, my mind becoming numb from every other thought i had and in that moment it was just me and her. Alone. I moved my hand up her back and placed it on her neck as i pulled her closer to me. Our mouths working in sync as they hungrily battled for dominance. I had never felt a kiss so amazing and passionate.
But then she pushed me away, my heart slightly broken by the loss of her touch. Her eyes looked like they were full of pain. Did she not enjoy it, did she not have the same feeling of ecstasy as the touch of her lips on mine. But before i could ask she had gotten into her car and driven off. My mind went silent except from one thought.
Why had I never felt a feeling like that before Caityln?

Friends with Benfits?
Teen FictionCaitlyn Drong is a sweet nerdy teenage girl, who is the top of the class at every subject ...but when the popular man-whore Tom bright pays attention to her, how will she react?