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Tell me that you turned down the man who asked for your hand, cause you're waiting for me.


"Alright... Hold on" she breathes out just before I hear her putting down the speaker. Through the other side of the line I can distinguish the sound of her footsteps and then some pages being flipped over, "You better come up with a good story about how you got this information because she'll have me killed if she finds out it was me..." she warns me when she returns.

After I swear to her repeatedly that I will never reveal her as my source, she finally tells me what I have been begging her for the last twenty minutes. I quickly scribble the words on the paper napkin under my coffee cup, and before I thank her for the help and finish our conversation, I make her vow not to tell Clementine that I'm on my way to find her. I can't risk her shutting me off without giving me the chance to talk. Even if I am still not quite sure as to what I should say.

"Of course I won't say a thing. What part of she'll have me killed do you think I'd enjoy?" she says with a slightly amused tone, "Look, I am only doing this because I think you two need to talk... And if Harry is in the middle of this, then I think you have to do something" I knew that my mention of Clementine's ex fiancée being involved was the thing that convinced her to tell me where she's staying.

"Thank you, Ally" I let out with a sigh before pressing the red button on my screen.

I am exhausted and three Tylenols and two black coffees later, I am beginning to believe that this hideous headache I have might become a chronic issue. The people walking around me, the sounds of planes taking off and touching down, happy families screaming in joy while welcoming a newly arrived member; all those things are relentlessly reaching for my ears and drilling a blast hole in my brain like a bloody Jackhammer.

I feel so out of myself that, if it wasn't because I haven't touched a single drop since I practically passed out last night, I would be one hundred percent sure that I remain hammered.

I still don't have a single clue as to how or when I fell asleep. All I knew when I woke up this morning;  sprawled all over my couch, still holding on to the empty bottle and covered in a sticky layer of sweat,  is that there was no way I was going to make it on time to catch my flight.

Suffice to say, the despair that came with that knowledge, slapped me back into a sheer and painful state of sobriety.

I had to get my sorry and hangover ass into the next flight to New York City regardless of the cost I might have to pay. Leting her go it is definitely not an option for me to take willingly, without putting one hell of a fight.

It is almost 2 p.m. and if I don't have news in the next three or four seconds, I will lose my shit right here in the middle of the airport. I have put my name on the waiting list of all the flights leaving to New York today and I still haven't heard a thing. All I can to do is pray for another wanker like me to miss his flight or cancel at the last minute, so a seat would open up for me to take.

I tried to call my contact with the same private plane I managed to get for James the other day, but I guess I didn't have the same luck this time. The plane is now being used by some CEO from Marvel and it is flying across the Pacific Ocean, on its way to Japan.

"I do not pretend to be a hassle for you..." I say to the young man behind the stand of one of the many airlines I am waiting an answer from. This must be the third time I've approached him and I wouldn't blame him if he decides to blow me off, but I am a nervous wreck at the moment and I can't seem to find a better way to cope, "But I was wondering if you had some news"

He glances up from the screen of the computer he has in front of him and, far from the reaction I was expecting from his part, a wide and almost filled with self-pride grin spreads across his face.

"As a matter of fact, I do" he says through that smile. With his words, my heart begins to stomp inside my chest out of pure expectation, "A seat just opened up on the flight that leaves in twenty minutes... Let me just check you in"

Every word of appreciation I can come up with, I throw it in this lad's direction. He has no idea that he just became one of my favorite people in this bloody world, though I don't think he'd truly care about that. All I know is that he must be relieved that I won't be coming to bother him anymore.

As I rush down the jet way and I show my boarding pass to the stewardess that greets me inside the plane, I take a quick look inside the aircraft and I can see a cabin full of people. While I walk through the aisle, looking for the only empty seat that was meant for someone else but is now mine, I take my phone from the hidden pocket of my jacket and my fingers go straight to the text-bubble shaped icon on the screen.

Her voice rolls all the way to my ears and I can't help but let out a laugh when I hear her curse and yell at her phone. I know that the remaining three minutes of the message are nothing but silence, but I swear that every time I listen to it, I can hear her breathe on the other side and I can picture her in my head, having a full-on panic attack.

My laughter trails off as the next voice message begins. The last time I heard her lovely, soul wrapping voice, she was throwing a knife straight to my heart. Of course, it went in like I was made out of melted butter but I am still standing. Although barely.

All the things that happened to us between those two messages I can't even begin to wrap my head around. The way we fell in love so deeply, so completely, it is almost terrifying to me. But not as much as the thought of being away from her.

The fear of loving her the way that I do makes my once dormant blood run wild through my veins; making me want to move forward and into a ring of fire if necessary. The fear of losing her does the opposite; it paralyzes me, leaving me unable to move while my bloodstream turns into dust.

As the plain begins to move down the runway and eventually lifts itself off of the ground, the words that I kept on repeating last night since the moment I decided to come looking for her, come to me again almost like a mantra or a desperate calling.

"Just wait for me. Please... don't screw this up"

Because You're Mine (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfic) #Wattys2016 #pfcc2k16Where stories live. Discover now