Chris Sabin 5

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"Christmas is coming up babe, you still haven't told me what you want this year." I said into the phone, while I sat in the living room of the house I shared with my long-term boyfriend, Josh Harter. Chris Sabin, as he was known on TV, was touring around with TNA Wrestling and hadn't been home in over a month.

I heard him laugh softly.

"Kendra, I don't need anything for Christmas. I've got you." I smiled and felt my cheeks start to turn red. It didn't matter how long I'd been with Josh, he could still make me feel like I had a stomach full of butterflies.

"Well, when are you coming home?" I asked.

"We've got a few more shows this week, but I should be back on the 24rd. I know it's kinda late...but at least I'll be home for Christmas." I nodded, even though he couldn't see it. "I've got to let you go, we're just about to leave for the next show. I'll call you next time I get a chance, alright?"

"Alright Josh. Be safe." He laughed again.

"I will. Love you."

"Love you too." We hung up our phones and I sighed. I missed being with Josh but I understood that his job needs him to travel all around the world. He was so passionate about what he did, there was no way I was ever going to stand in his way. But I still had the problem of what I was going to get him for Christmas. I had hoped he was going to tell me a few things he wanted, since I had been shopping for the last few weeks with no success. I figured I'd try again tomorrow.

What is it about Christmas shopping that makes some people go crazy? The mall was packed with people all searching for the perfect gift and not caring who they knocked over. I was only there to find something for Josh, everyone else had been taken care of. But after a few hours, multiple shoves and sore feet, I gave up. I drove home and flopped down on the couch in defeat. I sighed and rolled over, looking up at the ceiling.

What am I going to do?

My head turned when I heard our dog, Misha, whining. She was pawing at one of the books on the bottom row of our bookcase.

"What is it Misha?" I asked, getting up. She stopped pawing and sat down. I pulled the book out of the way and one of her toys had been shoved behind it. I got her toy and put the book back, but I kept looking at the shelf. I noticed one of the envelopes that your photos come in after they are developed just sitting off to the side. I picked it up and went back to the couch. I opened it and I smiled when I found a bunch of pictures of myself and Josh, at parties, with friends, camping, and traveling. Suddenly and idea hit me.

"That's it!" I jumped up and grabbed my car keys. This time when I went back into the madness of shoppers, I knew exactly what I was looking for. I stayed up all night working on his present but when it was done, I couldn't have been happier.


Christmas music was playing softly in the background while I decorated the tree. I wanted to house to look perfect for when Josh got home, which should be soon. I said I would come pick him up but he told me he could get a ride with Pat and save me the trip. I smiled when I heard a car pull into the driveway. I put on the last ornament on the tree and got to the top of the staircase just as the door opened.

There was Josh and he smiled as soon as he saw me. Snow lightly covered his hat and jacket but I didn't care. I ran down the stairs and jumped into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him.

"Wow, hello to you too." He said, smiling when we pulled away from each other. I kissed him quickly again.

"What? I missed you." I replied, and he laughed softly.

"I missed you too." I had to get down so Josh could carry his bags upstairs. "I'll be right back." He said after we got into the living room. He went down the hall into the bedroom. While he was gone I got his present out from under the tree. I turned off the music as well. Josh came back into the room a few minutes later carrying a wrapped present.

"So you found time to shop while wrestling eh?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yup." I smiled and we both sat down. We usually exchanged presents on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas. I handed him the wrapped box and he handed me mine. "You open first." He said. I smiled and slowly opened the small box.


I gasped.

"Oh my God... Josh I love it." I replied. He smiled and helped me put it on. I touched it gently on my neck. "You're so sweet." Then it was time for Josh to open his present. He unwrapped the box and pulled out a simple black scrapbook with "I Love You" written in script on the front. Inside were all the pictures I had found, along with a few others I grabbed off the computer. Josh smiled and laughed a few times while he went through it page by page. Eventually he got to the end and closed the scrapbook, putting it down on the floor. Josh turned to me and smiled, cupping my face in his hands.

"It's the best present I've ever gotten." He said, kissing me softly. "Merry Christmas Kendra, I love you."

"Merry Christmas Josh, I love you too."

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