It didn't take long for Kaylee to become more curious and fascinated with a vampire pregnancy then being afraid of them. Jeremy showed her the information they had gotten from the people who abducted and experimented on Dani. Her two past pregnancies that both came to a tragic end at much earlier stages then this one.
Adam refused to let Dani leave the house without him now. He had become more protective and jealous of her then ever. The fear that they would be discovered and she taken away and tortured again had gotten worse with Kaylee's arrival and growing enthusiasm on the matter. It could lead to dangerous carelessness. With Jeremy's connection at the local medical college, it gave them some access to medical equipment they needed, but they still had to be careful not to attract attention. Another zombie in their lives increased the risk and Adam was hardly happy about it. He had already seen and knew to well what could happen when they put their faith in the wrong people. He hadn't forgotten Sean and all the atrocities he had committed on Dani while repeating constantly it was because he 'loved her'. Disgusting.
Dani's abdomen had swollen to a considerable size at this point. It truly fascinated Adam to watch her body change, and strangely he found himself even more attracted to her then ever. When they slept during the day, they would always settle in the same position. Adam lying behind her, their bodies melded together, with his arms around her body, and his hand resting on her belly where their child grew.
He found himself feeling strange about a great many things, but Eve assured him there was nothing wrong and it was perfectly fine. With Jeremy and Kaylee estimating that Dani would give birth within 1-2 months, Eve finally agreed it was time for her to come home. Adam couldn't be more relieved. He needed her there and was certain that Dani would be pleased to have her home as well.
Everything seemed to be going well even though Dani had started to display some strange behavior. She craved raw and bloody meat. The first time to see her take down an extremely rare, barely warmed piece of meat was a bit jarring. Like a wild and rabid animal starving for food. After that episode, Adam kept a supply of steaks in the fridge with their blood. It was obvious the craving was coming from the life inside her needing such sustenance.
Occasionally it affected her emotions and mood as well. Not that it was different from a human woman when she was with child. But sometimes she would growl and gnash her teeth at anyone who came near her. Her eyes would glow, her claws were sharp, and she bared her fangs. She would practically turn feral making her extremely dangerous.
Other times, Adam would find her crying filled with terror and fear usually with no clear reason for it. The further along the pregnancy went, the more common place these behaviors became. It was one of the reasons Adam wanted Eve home so much. She had the natural ability of having a calming effect on everyone around her.
Dani was sleeping a lot more now. Her body had turned all its energy to supporting a nurturing the child. Of course Adam was concerned about it, but Jeremy and Kaylee both assured him that she was fine as was the baby. Either way he continued to watch over her care for her as he promised.
Welcome Home
When Eve came out of the airport terminal she saw Adam waiting for her beside his car. A smile swept her face as she walked to him putting her bags down as they embraced tightly. She'd missed him of course, and had wanted to come for sometime but knew that it was best she'd stayed away for a while. They kissed hungrily before embracing again as Adam nearly lifted her from the ground hugging her so close.
"Where's Dani?" Eve asked curiously noting that he was alone, "Is she alright?"
"She's with Jeremy. They took her to the medical college tonight." He said. "I told them we would meet them there."

Dark Nights
VampireSummary: This is a story based on the movie "Only Lovers Left Alive" Adam and Eve sire a young woman who has worked for Adam for several years as his blood supplier. After an attack that left her between life and death, it's up to Adam to teach her...