Chapter 5: Tablets and Pregnancy's

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Perrie's POV:
My mind buzzes with thoughts as I wake up. The first thing that comes into to view is the plush white hospital bed I am laying on. This feels like deja vu I look over to Jesy and she just hugs me. The news I had just heard is overwhelming! I Perrie Edwards is pregnant before being married. What the hell am I gonna tell my parents and, God! What am I gonna tell Jonnie! I feel a tear run down my face. A child is a magical thing, but I don't know if a child is fit for my situation. It just wouldn't be right for a child. 

"Are you gonna keep it?" Jade asks. I can see her curious mind ticking.
"Of course, there is no question about that!" I say wrapping my hands around my stomach. This baby while not planned I still loved. They all squeal loudly, "I'm gonna be an aunt!" Leigh comments.
"Are you gonna tell Za-" Jesy says but gets interrupted by Leigh and Jade.
"Don't even say his name!" They say at the same time. I would laugh but it has to do with him.
"No. I don't think so i'm not going to end his career and after what has happened I don't think he would be a good father! And I don't want this poor baby getting flown between tours and getting hated on! No it's not going to happen!" I say on the verge of crying. The question has never even entered my mind but this now involves a child and I'm not taking any chances to risk the safety and health of this baby. 

"So what about names!" Jesy asks trying to ignore the awkward silence in this room.
"We're not talking about names until we are in the privacy of my home!" I say.
"On that subject Perrie you can leave once you woke up the nurse said." Leigh comments for filling her roll of Mumma Mix.
"And you need to take these pills for the anxiety and depression." Leigh tells me seriously holding up two different sized containers. I groan chucking my head back then I go to grab them. Who cares I don't want to take them or need to because there is nothing wrong with me. Plus I hate tablets.
"Uh-uh, I'll be keeping these with me and you will be staying at my house. I will be watching you taking these every meal!" Leigh Anne sasses. Oh great!
"You like to see me in pain don't you!" I answer walking to sign me out.
"I love it!" She says walking to Jesy and Jade who are talking to the doctor while I sign myself out.

Leigh walks up to me and grabs her phone taking it out.
"So you have an ultrasound in two days. No one will know trust me " she tells me putting the appointment details on her phone. I nod while walking to my bright blue car me mum drove here for me.
"Oi what ya doin Perrie." Jade asks as if I was doing something illegal.
"I'm going to drive home!" I say hoping they all forgot about me going to Leigh's.
"Nah, you aren't getting away that easily. Leigh's driving you!" She says dragging me to Leigh's car.
"Come on what about Sky and Hatchi?" I whine.
"They're at Leigh's!" She tells me as I sit in Leigh's car my eyes slowly drooping.

*Jades POV*
Leigh gently puts Perrie down on her spare bed.
"Guys, we got to do something?" I whisper as we close the wooden door.
"Well what can we do?" Jesy asks.
"We can do a lot for starters. We need to change the password to all social media accounts so she can't see the hate and we can limit the stress. Make sure she's eating and taking her tablets. No tabloids are to be discussed near her. Ok! Our babies need to be protected ok!"I say finishing off my rant. They all nod except for Jesy who seems a little unsure.
"Jesy?" I ask looking at her worried face.
"I- I just don't want her to feel different or helpless. You know she hates pity!" She points out.
"True but if we explain it she'll under stand." I say just as I hear Leigh's doorbell ring.
"That must be Jake and Jordan they said they were going to come." I nod walking to the wooden door.
I open it to see....
----------------------------------------------I love a good cliff hanger!
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