Habit 5 "No Room For Huge Mushroom"

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"You're smart and cute but you don't need to brag it on this dinner table"

A little sugar couldn't hurt you but too much of it can be a danger to your blood.

Women see high regard with men who are confident and have a strong sense of pride. Being assertive and self-reliant is equated with self-worth thus, it matters among women because they want their man to be someone with nobility and can face anyone at a given time and place.

However, the worst-case scenario is often being encountered by women on their first date. Some men would always offer a variety of topics to tickle the heart of the woman she is dating and one of which is bragging the nature of his lifestyle, business, and achievement.

You are not in an interview to sale yourself. This is not a crucial conference to close a business deal and you need to divulge all your aces.

You are facing a woman who will be your future partner in life. A woman who will love you in poverty or in luxury.

You don't need to mention that you have five funeral parks on the whole island to excite the desire of the girl you are dating. It is prohibited to inform and narrate to the woman you are dating that after your grandfather will succumb, you will inherit the 50 hectares of seedless soursop and sugar apple orchard in Area 51.

Who cares about it? Only few women are materialistic in nature. Most of the women desire for a man who is just confident in what he say and he duly act on what he promised.

Stop mentioning names of high profile friends to increase your value. The real value of man can be found in his meekness and humility even he has the capacity to bluster.

Another point that you need to remember is to stop including a topic about the number of girls you've dated. Do not expect a kiss from a first time date just because you told her that your previous date were more sensual and intimate. You are facing a different woman. If you dated a girl before with a janitor fish characteristic do not conclude that your recent date will be the same.

If your tongue is too careless to speak about your previous dates and relationship, better fill your whole buccal mucosa with mouth-watering tuna sandwich to stop it from saying inadequate words. A woman likes a man with an efficient character than a mouth full of volume.

It is improper and unbecoming of a gentleman to speak of your past experiences to someone you just meet for the sake of self-gratification. She would think and realize that you are not a secret-keeper and she will conclude that you are a kiss and tell the guy.

It takes a smart man to connect with the mind of a woman but it takes a humble man to open her heart.

Leave your ego and your pride inside your pocket and spontaneously talk and act with politeness and humility to the one you are dating.

BaconeryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon