Strawberry Wine

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'' strawberry wine, seventeen. the hot July moon, saw everything. my first taste of love, mmmm bittersweet. like the green on the vine, strawberry wine''

I swayed softly to the music taking a sip of my own strawberry wine. I've always and a soft spot for this type of music. soft and sweet. I set my wine glass down and scrolled down on my laptop. the first thing I did when I got to my apartment was start job hunting. so far there were a few good hits, but I think im going to go with a job as a barista at the local Starbucks. I take one last sip of wine and shut the music off. I gently set my glass in the sink and throw on my sneakers. my plan is to go down to Starbucks and apply for the job. I'm not to scared about  maybe not getting the job cause I found a few other good ones to apply to.

I grab my keys and head out, locking the door behind me. i turn around and find my self on the ground in front of a boy. he's grumbling to himself and picking up his papers which are scattered everywhere. ' good going Luke. you already pissed someone off' I think to my self. '' im so sorry, let me help you'' i say picking up some papers. he doesn't respond and continues picking stuff up. i take this time to glance at the boy. his dirty blonde curls  are ponytailed out of his face and he has a pair of glasses atop his head. i look further down his body and notice a camera dangling around his neck.

i have to admit, this boy is attractive, but then again we just met. kind of. i hand him the papers. '' again im really sorry'' i say as he takes the papers. '' its fine'' he says stacking the papers neatly. his voice is soft and sweet and sends a wave a strange emotion through my body. '' are you sure? let me at least buy you coffee-''. '' no no its fine. i really have to go. i have a lot of work to do'' he says. he extends a hand to help me up. i take his larger hand and he pulls me, accidently pulling me closer than planned. i let out a small breath. his eyebrows furrow. '' do i smell...... strawberries?''. my cheeks heat up. '' strawberry wine''.  he chuckles lightly. '' well, ill see you around.....strawberry''. my cheeks heat up as i watch him walk down the hall.  there's something..........intriguing, about this boy.  

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