Chp. 6

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two things:

1) sorry this is a bit late. i've been super busy and such, and had a case of writer's block.

2) it has come to my attention that the names "philip" and "aurora" are also the names of the characters in sleeping beauty. they are not the same people. just in case anyone thought they were... i just had no idea. i only watched that movie like... once.. a long time ago, so... yea. my bad, but i'm not changing their names because that could get confusing/annoying. oh well....

i hope you enjoy chapter 6! :)




          "What's your name?"

          Of course he would ask me of my name. My guilt washed over me, I couldn't tell him who I really was! How could I ever face him like this? 

          Hello my prince, my name is Kaelyn, the one who let your best friend be murdered.

          I couldn't imagine that going over very well. I blurted out the first name that came to mind.


          Aurora?? Wait, would he have even known there was a Kaelyn in his castle?

          "That's my name," I continued, feeling foolish about my paranoia. "I work at the castle..." 

          Where in the castle? He's going to ask! He's already suspicious! Oh, I know.

          "In the stables. And yes, you can trust me."

          "Why haven't I ever seen or heard of you?" He whispered back fiercely.

          My heart pounded with fear as a low voice interrupted our hushed conversation.

          "Is everything alright, you highness?" His tone was low and menacing. It had to be the crossbowman. I held my breath and pushed myself closer to Thunder's body, praying that the man wouldn't find me. How in the world would the prince be able to cover this up?

          Strange garbled words came tumbling out of the prince's mouth. I don't even know he was mumbling about. He sounded like he had a bit too much to drink.

          "Hmmm? Yes, yes mother...I'm just a bit tired, that's all..." the prince mumbled blearily, his voice sounded groggy with pretend sleepiness. I had to stifle a giggle when I heard a loud exaggerated yawn.

          "Don't even try to escape little prince." The guard growled. "I'll shoot you before you can even take a single step." His light footsteps faded as he resumed guard duty back at his post. 

          I shivered as felt the silence become thick and heavy between the prince and I. It was too risky to try and speak again due to the fact that we had almost been caught. I huddled there in the grass debating whether or not to stay awhile longer. Glancing up at the sky, I realized I had a decent amount of time left to remain human. However... I didn't know what else to say to him. I had no idea how I could free him and escape without being seen and shot by the crossbowman.

          This is what happens when you rush into something without a plan...

          I waited for awhile, still undecided on what to do. The prince hadn't said anything, and I doubted he would. If he was smart, which he undoubtably was, then there would be no more words passed between us this night. The crossbowman also contained some degree of intelligence unfortunately, and would remain diligently alert during the rest of the night. I checked the position of the moon. 

The Horse in the Prince's StablesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon