Drama, Mcdonalds and Anger

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Hey! Anyway, by the title "drama" I just mean I have started back my drama school.  Anyway, my friend Chelsea and myself haven't seen each other in months so we were so excited to be reunited.  We did some script work thick was fun and, for the first time, we did not laugh.  You see, we have a serious problem with laughing when we are not supposed to! Also, I was so excited because I went back to McDonald's and had my first chicken legend in ages.  It was so so so delicious. Truly. Also, there is this girl called Abi Jones, and, she exclaimed her hate for America.  Leaping to the countries defence, I asked why she didn't like America and her reasons were "I hate flying and America has a huge volcano under it and my aunty was caught in a tornado in Florida" I was outraged. I told her the volcano was dormant and flying is the safest means of travel as there are more car crashes than plane crashes.  I also told her that "America has 50 states and Florida is one" she didn't take this well and then said she wants to go to Australia.  That's a 24 HOUR FLIGHT. Is she stupid? And then to top it off, she said she wanted to go to Hawaii, a state IN AMERICA.  Also there is a volcano on Hawaii. Everyone at this point was supporting me and laughing at her lunacy.   She launched into a state of rage by turning her back and now, she has argued with her cousin and me because she can't accept that I beat her. Pathetic.

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