Chapter 23

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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Jimi Hendrix

Chapter 23

Faith quickly shoved some of Jamie and Alex's clothes into a bag. They might be a little too big for the twins but they would work until proper clothes could be found. She had already packed a bag for her mother that held her own clothes as well as all the money she had on hand.

Axel and Dmitri had disappeared after dinner. Their hushed conversation accompanied by furtive glances doing nothing but showing their purpose.

Though Calix voiced support of the council, even he was wary of handing the two four year olds over. So with an exaggerated yawn, he had climbed the stairs to his room shortly after dinner, turning a blind eye to whatever plans were being made.

Zipping up the bag, Faith hurried to the bathroom where Ariadne was bathing the twins.

"Don't worry about us Faith. The goddess has seen us this far and she won't abandon us now."

"How can you say that Mom? We've already lost Fox, Creid, Joy, and Hope. How can you say that the goddess is protecting us. Do you think if they catch up to you, that you and Daddy will be left to live?

They will kill you guys Mom. They will kill you and take the twins so they can control them completely. And there is nothing that the goddess can do."

Tears of rage pooled in Faith's eyes as she thought about the councils duplicity. How could the body of people that were supposed to look to the welfare of all shifters be so callous and self serving?

Faith looked down at Harmony as she helped her into a warm sweater. Sad lavender eyes full of too much knowledge stared back at her. The grave face of her usually bubbly little sister caused the tears she had held at bay to slip down her cheek.

Lifting her small hand, Harmony caught the tear drop with the tip of her finger.

"Everything's going to be all right, Faith. We've already seen the end, we just have to get through the sad times so that we can enjoy it."

With one last all knowing glance Serenity and Harmony picked up the small bags of clothes and left the bathroom.

Dmitri, Gaius, Faith, and her family huddled together at the edge of the woods saying their last goodbyes. The plans were made and everyone was ready to go. Gaius would take the four to Valerius. There they could live semi-normal lives far from the councils reach.

A rustling in the underbrush caused them all to tense up as a large form moved into the moonlight. The team member that approached had hair as black as pitch with eyes that held the knowledge of ages. A thin, jagged scar circled his neck as if someone had once tried to behead him.

The male did not walk, he glided. Each movement so smooth it seemed effortless. As graceful as a gentle wind. Ariadne gasped in shock as the towering male joined them.

"A true child of nature? How are you with us?"

The male neither smiled or frowned. His whole countenance broadcasted an inner peace so deep that it calmed all around him. He glanced over the small group eyes resting briefly on the twins before settling upon Gaius.

"Brother," the males intoned in a deeply accented tone.."Be at peace. The journey you embark on is one of honor."

Grabbing for the pack he had slung over his shoulder, the male handed it over to Gauis.

"In here is an address and keys. It is a safe haven for you all to rest on your journey. The car is fully gassed and in good working order. Take what you need.  You should be able to stay at least one night before anyone can catch up to you.

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