Chapter 177

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The next day, monday.
Japan and Denmark woke up in the backseat of Denmark's car at 12 pm.

"Why are we in your car??" Japan asked confused.

"Shh, I have a headache" Denmark said as sat up and held his head.

"My head arso hurts.. and my butt too" Japan said even more confused "what happened yesterday??"

"I remember we got married and then we got drunk as fuck.. I don't remember anything after that"

"Why does my butt hurt?"

"Mabye you fell or something"

"Mabye.. I'm going to ask China what happened the next time I see him"

"Okay, we should go to school though"

"Isn't it kind of rate for that?"

"Nah, let's just go" Denmark said as he climbed to the front seat and started the car.
A while later, Denmark stopped the car infront of the school.

"We're still in the clothes we wore yesterday" Japan said "I can't go to schoor rooking rike this"

"It's okay, I think I have clothes in the trunk" Denmark went out of the car and so did Japan.

"Why wourd you have that?"

"I like to be prepared for anything" Denmark replied. He opened the trunk and took clean clothes out of some box.
"You just put this on"

"Okay" Japan went back into the car and changed clothes. He then went back out and saw Denmark was in other clothes than before.

"Did you change outside??!"

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. Let's go now" Denmark said as he and Japan walked towards the school.

Elsewhere, a bit later.
China was sitting at some table in class when Japan walked in and sat down beside him.

"Hey, aru.. you okay?" China asked.

"Yes, why?"

"You were pretty drunk yesterday"

"I'm okay"

"Are you hurt?" China then asked.

"No.. shourd I be?"

"It's just that you fell down pretty hard when you were dancing" China said and laughed.

"That must be why my butt hurts" Japan said to himself.

"Your butt?? You fell on your face. Have you not looked in a mirror? You have scratches on your nose and forehead" China stated.

"Oh, okay... excuse me" Japan stood up and went out of the room. Japan went to the next classroom, which was beside the one he had been in, and went to Denmark who sat beside Iceland.

"Oh, hi" Denmark greeted and smiled as he saw Japan.

"Did you fuck me yesterday?!!" Japan exclaimed so everyone in this and the next room heard what he said.

"I don't know" Denmark said and was a bit shocked that Japan was so angry.

"It can't be that you don't remember what happened just because you were drunk! You're arways drunk!!"

"Okay" Denmark stood up and looked into Japan's eyes "I screwed you in my car" Denmark confessed.

"But you knew that I weren't ready!"

"It's not like I was taking away your virginity! You fucked Italy couple of years ago!"

"Yes, but I wasn't ready to do it with you!!"

"Why not?!"

"Because I wanted to see if you wourd continue to try to get me to do it or if you wourd respect my choice and wait!"

"So you were testing me?!"

"Yes and you faired!! You onry want to fuck peopre!! You're rike Prussia or something!!" Japan said angry.

"Don't talk about mein bruder like zhat!!!" Germany, who sat a couple of seats from Denmark, exclaimed furious as he stood up from his seat.

"You know it's true!!" Japan argued.

"I don't care!!" Germany said and walked over to Japan "Jou should just shut up!!"

"Don't talk to him like that!" Denmark said angry. Germany turned to Denmark and kicked him in the stomach. Denmark fell to his knees and held his stomach as he coughed up blood.

"What's wrong with y-" Japan started but Germany punched him in the face. Japan and Denmark now both lay on the floor. The teacher had just walked in and was shocked.

"Mr. Beilschmidt go to the principal's office right now!!!" The teacher commanded. Germany glared at the teacher as he walked past him and out of the room and then he went to the principal's office.

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