Chapter 11

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I ran down the hallway to the ladies room and took a deep breath. I set my bag down and walked over to the sink. I turned on the tap and splashed some water on my face. I had to cool myself off. Every time I was around Dean I blushed so hard I would sweat and felt like my heart was going to race out of my chest. Then to have someone catch us with the door locked made it all worse.

I looked at my phone and realized it was already 10:30 am. I still had to shower and change before lunch with Dean. I picked up my bag and decided to head back to the hotel. I exited the bathroom and made my way down the hallway, but was interrupted by some shouting coming from the weight room. I slowed my pace as I got closer and took a deep breath as I seen Dean on top of Dolph Ziggler, beating the tar out of him. Roman was having a hard time getting Dean off of Dolph while Cesaro was trying to pull Dolph out from under Dean.

I immediately dropped my bag and ran to Roman who gave me a "help" look. As Dean went to hit Dolph again I caught his arm and said his name.

It was like time had stopped. Every one in the room was silent as Dean's head whipped around in my direction. His eyes were full of anger and hatred but softened quickly as he seen that I was the one that had a hold of his arm. "Dean, this is not the time or place for this," I said sternly.

Dean slowly let go of Dolph and stood up. He walked over and picked up my bag as well as his own. I turned to leave with Dean and Roman but a voice made me stop dead in my tracks. "I don't know what you see in that dirty little street dog, but if you want a real good time and a real man, Caitie, then come find me," Dolph said.

I lost it this time and quickly turned and hit Dolph with a right hook. He stumbled back wards and I went to lunge at him but two strong arms came around my waist. I fought the grip but was dragged out of the gym. Once outside I realized it was Roman that had pulled me away and that Dean still had my bag.

I turned to Dean and a little too angrily said, "what the hell happened in there?"

Dean kept walking and I had to jog to keep up. I could tell he was still livid. "They said some stuff that pissed me off," Dean replied.

I grabbed his arm and spun him around. "Tell me."


I sighed and could feel that Caitie wouldn't let this go. I didn't want to hurt her with the things they had said but I knew she'd find out anyways.


Roman and I walked back towards the weight room when I noticed Cesaro and Dolph Ziggler had been watching us. I cringed. Maybe I shouldn't have locked the door. After what these two had said about Caitie, I was sure this didn't look good for her.

We walked closer and I could hear Dolph and Cesaro snickering. "Way to go, Dean! You lucky dog. You got Caitie first," Dolph congratulated me.

I cringed and shot back, "nothing happened. She's not like that."

"I was really hoping to get her first but I can take sloppy seconds."

That was it. I lunged at Dolph as anger consumed me. I kept hitting Dolph and I couldn't stop. Roman tried to pull me off but I pushed him away with ease as the anger took over.

"Don't you dare talk about her that way," I said as Dolph hit me back and tried to kick me off.

I grabbed him by his bleach blond hair and started punching him more. I would have killed him if Caitie hadn't stopped me.


I looked up at Caitie. I hadn't realized that I had been looking at the sidewalk the whole time I retold what had happened. Roman was standing awkwardly behind Caitie and I seen what looked like tears forming in her eyes.

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"Are you crying?" I asked. It came out more sarcastic than I had intended.

Caitie smirked and quickly rubbed her eyes. "No, I got some dust in them," Caitie replied quickly. I smirked back at her. Man, she was a terrible liar.

"Alright, lovebirds, let's get back to the hotel before anyone else comes out for you two to beat senseless," Roman interjected and we continued walking. I felt Caitie grab her bag out of my hand and watched her hoist it over her shoulder. Then she shocked me and laced her fingers with mine. It felt so right to have her hand in mine. It seemed to fit perfectly there. I smiled as we continued to the hotel.


I was still trying to get over what had happened earlier. Dolph and Cesaro were disgusting pigs that I wouldn't be caught with again. I was still shocked Dean had stuck up for me. Maybe he really did like me more than I thought. Although I knew we would probably get hell from the Authority on Raw since Ziggler was going to have at least one black eye thanks to Dean.

I snickered as I pulled my hair up into a messy bun again. I may wear my hair down for events but in my own time my hair was always up in a messy bun. I was getting ready for my lunch date with Dean.

Since it was fall and the air was getting a little cooler I had settled on a plain grey tank top with a pink and teal plaid shirt, my favorite pair of jeans and my brown cowboy boots. So shoot me if I was feeling a bit country today. I was missing home.

I grabbed my bag and phone and headed down to the lobby to meet Dean. I arrived a little early and sat in one of the chairs while I waited. I watched as people came and went then I seen Dolph and Cesaro enter. I quickly his my face in a magazine but peeked around it and seen Dolph had the start of a black eye, a swollen nose, and a swollen lip from where I had hit him. I smiled to myself as I thought how much Dean would get a kick out of this. They entered the elevator and I set down the magazine.

"Caitie, there you are," I heard a female voice say. I turned to see the Bella twins approaching. "Are you ok?"

I smiled at Nikki who was in the weight room when everything had gone down this morning. "I'm fine. Thank you. It actually felt kinda nice to take out Dolph for what he said."

"What did he say? I wasn't paying attention until I heard Dean yell at him to not talk about you that way," Nikki said.

"He was just saying some pretty crude comments I guess and Dean stuck up for me."

Brie beemed at me. "So, Dean stuck up for you? That's the cutest thing ever! You two were so meant to be!"

Nikki rolled her eyes, "yes Dean did stick up for her but seeing the right hook she gave Dolph, I don't think she needed any defending."

I laughed. "Thanks, Nikki."

Brie piped up again, "so why are you all dressed up and by the way, I love the outfit."

"You would, Brie," Nikki added.

Just then Dean showed up out of nowhere, "You ready, Caitie?"

I jumped at the sound of his voice. "Um yeah," I replied and smiled at the Bella's.

"Oh, before you go, a bunch of us are going out tonight. You two should join us," Brie said as Nikki rolled her eyes.

Before I could respond, Dean replied and shocked me at his response, "we would love to."

The Bella's turned to walk away but Brie turned and give me a thumbs up before she climbed in the elevator. Dean looked at me and smirked as I rolled my eyes. "Looks like someone approves of me."

"Alright, hot shot, let's go. I'm starved," I said as I gave him a sly smirk.

Dean and I walked a couple blocks before we came to a small family restaurant. The hostess seated us and a waitress came to take our order. We talked about were we grew up and what our favorites were. We actually have a lot in common and Dean sure had a way of making me laugh.

As the waitress brought our food and we began to eat, I looked at Dean and thought of what had happened earlier. "Thank you again for sticking up for me. You didn't have to but I love the way Dolph looks now; black eye, swollen nose and fat lip."

Dean chuckled. "Anything for you, Princess. He deserves it. No one should talk about my girl like that."

I froze mid bite. Did I just hear him correctly? Did he say "my girl"? I swallowed my food half chewed. "Dean, you realize we are not dating yet. I still want to know you better and I have a small stipulation to dating me."

Dean finished his bite, unfazed by my words, "and what would this stipulation be, sweetheart?"

I felt a flutter in my stomach at his words. "You have to meet my kids first." I left the statement at that. I needed to see how my kids reacted to him; if they liked him. I also had to see how Dean did with my kids and if he could stick around after a few days with them. That was going to be the test and deep down I prayed Dean would pass it...

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