Ok so I panic last chapter when I said I was going to be gone for a month, it was around the time I move, so lucky me now that I am online so I can continue to write this. So enjoy, comment and vote please.
Chapter 5 Wrath.
Michael point of view.
“By the gods, are you ok??” I rush toward the fallen Hope and Zero. Hope and Zero seem so out of the world still.
This was not what I expected when I came home after LONG talks with the priest. Although I did found it strange that this place was quiet, although now I can see why.
Hope groan, rubbing his head” God my head hurts” His voice sound slightly drunk.
“What happen??” I ask Hope as I help him move to a chair.
“I don’t know what happen??” Hope answer, looking at Zero” I was talking to Light and Zero, we were about to have tea when I realize the tea look kinda weird?”
“What do you mean by weird?” I said, as I pick up Zero and laid him on the couch. Zero was still out cold.
‘It was a funny color, like kinda reddish, anyway I took a sip and Zero drunk up of it in one gulp, then the next thing I know you were walking me up?” Hope finish, picking up the tea pot that was tilted.
“Let me see?” I raise my hand and took the pot away from hope, I sniffed of the leftover tea in the pot, and throw it away when the smell almost made me puke.
“what was it??” Hope said confusingly.
“Matricaria recutita” I said, when Hope gave me a confuse look” You might know it as chamomile, in other words what you drank was tea that make you sleep really fast, in high dotage”
“OH, then why is Zero still fully asleep” Hope gotten close to Zero, worry is on his face.
“You said he drank up of his cup, so he still feeling the effects, beside chamomile has a really high effect on Angel of death, at this rate he will not be awake for at least 24 hours”
Then it really hit me” Where my son??’ I look around the room for a sign that Light was here.
“I have no idea, he had not drink he tea, at least, not that I know of”
“He did not, if he did, then his body would have been here?” I look around for a sign that Light was taken, but so far there was none.
“Do you think Ares took him” Hope said, making me see red.
“It would not at all surprise me one bit that he was the one who but chamomile in your drink” I was shaking with anger that the god could go this low.
I blew a loud whistle, making Hope cover his ears, and one of my messenger bird came through the window.
‘What are you doing??” Hope ask, as I was quickly writing on the piece of paper I found on the table.
“Going to give a piece of my mind to that Arrogant Ares” I threaten as I hastily write my anger.
If you at all touch my son in anyway sexual, I swear on Zeus freaken big head, I will rip your freaken heart out with my bear hands, I will tie you down and torture you so hard you will be begging for death by the time I am done with you.
This I freaken swear, you god forsaken Bastard, you mess with the wrong motherfucking god.
Michael, AKA The badness motherfucking best Archangel ever.
“I think that a little too much” Hope voice said right behind me.
“At this rate I don’t give a damm” I put the message on the bird, and the bird zoom off.
“But what if Ares does not have Light, what if you are wrong” Hope said, making me laugh.
“Yeah right, I bet my entire gold bricks in my bank to you that you are wrong, that Ares does have Light” I said confidently.
Hope just shook his head as head put a wet rag on Zero head, not after 5 minutes have past that my bird came right back.
“Hope, here read what it say, it will show I am right” I was really confident; I did not have to see that Ares have Light.
Hope took the letter out of my hands, read it and he starters to laugh, that made me frown” what so funny??”
“When do I get the money” Hope said smiling, my heart was beating fast now as Hope gave me the letter. I started to read it
To who ever had written this,
I must say that you have a real bad mouth to start with; sorry to disappoint you, but Light is not with Ares right now, he is on vacation with his two new boyfriends at the moment, so don’t expect to see your son for a little while, he have to decide who he wants, so he does not need his old man to follow him around.
Seriously dude, you are so uptight, let loose, and for once get a freaking life that does not have to always involve your son.
Sign Luca and Aaron.
P.S. My name is Luca and I for one am the best choice for your son, and not that blockhead Aaron, just to say….