Rolling onto my side, I searched for my bra and panties. I kept stretching towards the paint cans but Zayn held onto my waist.
"Noo,"his voice moaned into my skin. Finding my bra, I hooked it and sat up.
"I'm trying to sleep." Zayn rested his chin on my thigh.
"You can sleep on the pillow," I started to ease him off me.
"Don't need to, I have you." He tightened his grip.
I nudged him off, "Zayyyyyyn."
Zayn groaned and slouched onto his pillow. With a free lap, I got up and walked past the paints. I tried to peek at the canvas but it was cloaked, I needed to see what he painted.
Hearing the mattress squeak, I turned around. Still tossed on the pillow, Zayn was staring back at me.
His voice was groggy, "Jo, wait until the show."
He watched as I searched around the paints for my thong, "Fine," I mumbled, I then found my dress and slipped it on.
Walking out into the studio, I grabbed my phone and headed towards the kitchen. I turned on the coffeemaker when my phone vibrated.
Liam's number lighted the screen.
L: Jo, what's going on?
J: What did you mean?
J: Okay??
L: He's acting weird.
J: And....
L: You know why Jo
J:No need to yell, Liam
L: -__- So he didn't tell you?
L: He is and not a random fuck either. It seems more than that.
J: Really?
I hate that I had to lie to Liam but he would lecture us on how what we were doing was wrong and would ruin our friendship.
L:he's acting all happy and shit. Smiling every time he gets a text from her. Talking about her every chance he gets.
J: You sound a bit jealous, babe. Is there something you need to tell me?
L: Fuck you Jo.
J: I'm serious, you're acting a bit disgruntled now
L: Disgruntled, really?
Look, he's just different because of her.
J: If you say so

licentious | z.m.
Fanfictionli·cen·tious promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters in other words: sinful, immoral, or lustful......