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Everyone need their own time to reflect .I ensure to have a peace of mind before sleeping and before leaving the house.

Back to the story,I'm not a morning type of person to be honest. During the holiday trust me, I would stay up late till 3 in the morning. I spend my time watching videos , video games and creating arts.Also, YES ! I do sneak to the kitchen To look for food while my parents are sleeping.

I find that the night life really really really makes me feel calm, as everyone is sleeping I can do what I want. I can play games without someone distracting me and watch YouTube videos all night. These are the fews thing I would spent my time doing during the holidays. Oh I forget to mention that I would watch movies too!

After the holidays ended it all left as memories and good times. Tranquil means calm and everyone at least need to be in the state of tranquil once in a while.

What I'm trying to say is always make time for urself

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