Chapter 24

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After telling everything that happened to Alice the shock was so evident on her face I worried that she might be having a stroke.

"Oh my gosh." She whispered. "Oh my gosh!" This time she said it louder. "OH MY FUCKING GOSH!!!" She shouted. I had to cover her mouth just to make sure she won't scream.

She removed my hand and looked at me with determination. "I'm going to skin him alive." After all the crying I did today this made me laugh histerically. I clutched my stomach as I laugh harder. "What's fucking funny?!"

I wiped the tears on my eyes from the laughter. "Don't skin him." I smiled at her.

"He tried to rape you!!"

"He stopped though." I looked at her in the eyes. "That's what's important. I had put myself in that position and that's never going to happen again. Once we find the trappers, we'll make them spill where their traps are then I'd leave and I will never have to see him again."

Alice bit her lips. "You'll run away from him?" She said in a quiet voice.

"C'mon. I never planned on staying here anyway." She looked away.

"I don't want you to go."

"You voted me out the very first day we met."

"Yeah. But you don't lie." I raised an eyebrow at her. "You either say the truth or don't talk at all."

"We barely talked."

"I'm an observer." She started fidgetting. "Besides, you're the only one who talked to me like this. Considering how bitchy I am." I laughed at her.

"Don't get too attached. It will only kill you."

The next morning I waked up next to Alice who was still snoring lightly. She talked a lot before we finally drifted to sleep. She talked about her parents who died a year before the apocalypse. On how she and her brother escaped the college they were in. As it turns out she was a professor and Jacob only were there to give her her lunch.

If she hadn't asked him to get her lunch. They might not be together right now. She admitted that she thinks she's in love with Kristoff but she knows Kristoff isn't. I felt sorry for her. As she doze on the stories, I realized that she considers me as a friend. Funny how a day ago she was ready to break my nose. Then again, in a world where you're never sure what's going to happen. Everyone should paced up. I sigh. She said I could wear her clothes since mine is still on Daryl's tent. As tough as she was, she wouldn't go near him especially after she heard my story.

I wore her black sleaveless tank top and some shorts. I have to get my spear from Daryl's tent if I want to help them out. Grinding my teeth, I zip the tent open only to find Daryl asleep in front of Alice's tent.

He suddenly jolted up when he heard the zip. He stared at my face for a while then to my wrists.

"Move." I told him since he was blocking the way. He handed me a plastic plate with four toasted frog legs.

"You must be hungry." He said. I am famished. I only had a snack bar and a bag of chips yesterday. But I ignored his frog legs. This is not what I want to hear from him.

"Move." I said sternly. He stared at me for a while but finally moved. I got up and started to walk to his tent. First thing's first. I need my backpacks and my spear.

He followed me. "Danielle we need to talk."

"I've got nothing to say to you." I echoed his words.

"Danielle." He held me by the arm. I shrugged him off and pushed him away.

"Do. Not. Fucking. Touch. Me." I started to walk out again. He didn't follow me anymore.

I had sharpened my spear and my hunting knife. My gun is loaded now since Alex provided it and I was very thankful although I knew it would be my last weapon of choice. I'm one of the trackers now. Along with Alice, Yohan, Alex, and of course Daryl.

Alice asked me to braid her like I did mine.

"Since when did you and blondie become best friends?" Yohan asked.

"None of your fucking business." Alice answered. I had understand that Alice come up with rudest comments but never actually mean it.

"It's finish." I told Alice as she flaunt her golden hair.

"Wow you look hot." Kristoff commented.

"Whatever." Alice answered but I know deep down inside she was flattered when she whispered in my ear. "Do my hair everyday." I chuckled as an answer.

When we finally started tracking them down. Alex and Daryl were taking the lead while Alice and I were in the middle and Yohan was watching our back. We were in a circle position. A strategy that never failed as Yohan said. We were watching each others back.

After searching for hours, Alice and Alex almost falling from hole traps we decided to take a break. I brushed the sweat of my forehead with my arm and noticed that Daryl was staring yet again at my wrist.

I saw Alice exchange looks with Alex and Yohan then they started to walk off. I followed her.

"Where do you guys think you're going?" I demanded.

"Danielle you need to talk to him. If he does anything funny, scream. Then we'll skin his ass." Alice answered.

"I don't want to. I'll leave after we find the trappers. That's the whole plan." I saw Alex, Yohan and Daryl glanced at me. It's not like it's a  secret that I want to get away from them.

"Just talk this out. I can't handle the tension anymore." Yohan said. I looked up at Alex only to find him agreeing with Yohan. Ugh!

"Fine." I finally said. I'm tired of trying to stay away from him anyway.

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